31 July 2011

Maysaa Rip-Off

Why would people want to blatantly copycat someone's (who is apparently super famous) design and re-name that thing and sell it as their own? Okla let me be more straight-forward. Hana Tajimain her recent post has called out a few blog/FB-shops (all of them based in Malaysia) which sold the rip-off version of her famous snood collection. They even made it in different colors and prints too instead of the all-black version from Maysaa. Talk about being creative.

People, are you stoo serious? Dah la Hana Tajima tu femes and banyak contact kat Malaysia. Haven't it occurred to you that sooner or later you are going to get your copycat ass noticed? Maybe it's not wrong per se, if Hana has not acquired any patent on her snood design. If that is the case, other than calling these people out in her official page that thousands of her loyal fans read, that is as far as it could get. No lawsuit or anything of that sort could ensue.

You are in it for the cash, it's business, that I understand, but really? It's not ethical.

Been reading books on business and although I am learning a lot of useful things from them, these books don't teach you about ethical codes and such. That you have to navigate using your own moral compass and I surely hope I won't loose them.

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