28 July 2011

Blood Pumping Battle with Tough Biker Guy

It was at the zoo in Koeln, one that I've been wanting to visit for the longest time. We were standing outside the pen that houses giraffes, looking at a mechanism which is supposed to mimic the working of a giraffe's heart.

Did you know that, in order for the blood to reach the head, a giraffe's heart has to pump gallons of blood 2 meters along the neck upwards? And that the average weight of a giraffe's heart is 12 kg? Haa. Itu faedahnya pergi zoo.

So this sort of simple machine that we were looking at consists of a 2-meter cylinder, which is supposed to represent the length of a giraffe's neck, and a hand pump. The working is pretty simple. Using our hands, we have to push the water through the cylinder all the way to the top, just so we could feel for ourselves the pressure that a giraffe's heart exerts while pumping all those blood.

My initial reaction was, "Well, that couldn't be too hard right?" Spitting on each of my palm and rubbing them together (the spitting part was only play-pretend, it'd be too gross otherwise!), I took on the pump and began to give it my best. Grrrr. Apparently, it could be too hard! I only grazed the 1 meter mark! Dammit.

By that time, perhaps thanks to me for making quite a drama over it, an audience had gathered around this giraffe-neck-pump-thing. The 'audience' was made up of two guys (audience la sangat); one is a guy our age and another older guy, perhaps in his 40s, with tattoos and lots of piercings, complete with a bandana tied around his head and a leather jacket. He looks like a guy you don't want to mess around with. Textbook biker type.

Terfikir jugak, orang macam ni pon teringin pergi zoo? Hehe.

Encik Boyfriend, macam biasa la, tengah syok gelak kat girlfriend sedang berusaha bersungguh-sungguh nak tolong pump darah untuk giraffe tu. Tapi fail.

"Nah, your turn," I said, which was met with agreement by these two guys. They cheered him on to take the pump and show me how it's done. Yeah, brotherhood. Whatever.

The selfish part of me so wanted him to fail, just so we could both agree that it was actually really hard, not that his girlfriend is a wuss.

He fared much better than me, but it still wasn't enough. His best try still left the water a quarter of meter away from the giraffe's head.

The biker guy turned out to be quite a jerk, going from cheering to mocking, saying things like, kalau translate bahasa Melayu macam ni la : Ek eleh, takat tu ja ko boleh Mat? Appara..buat malu ja..

What a jerk!

By now the selfish part of me was totally taken over by the urge to shove his biker's boots into his mouth, without taking the boots off of his feet first. I so want Encik Fudye to pump the bloody water straight to the sky just to show the guy 'how it's done'. I could tell Encik Fudye was already tired even though I knew he didn't want to give up. By now other people were joining to try that thing, we figured we better not hog the pump and bagi can pulak kat orang lain. So we walked away. With our bruised ego.

The jerk was quite thrilled to take over the pump but we didn't stay to watch. Nanti dia buat senang kacang pulak pastu nak riak kat kitorang. Cit...

As we were walking away, I turned around to catch a glimpse, lo and behold, he was having trouble! He kept trying but the water kept hovering between 1 and 1.5 meter mark! Hek eleh brader, tadi bising macam tough sangat kan..

Sensing that we were still watching, which we were, he turned around, smiled at us and shouted, "Man, you are strong! Lady, you have a strong man right there." At least he was man enough to admit that.

Encik Fudye, as expected, couldn't stop feeling smug and repeating the phrase 'starker Mann' for the rest of the day..and the rest of the week... Le SIGH. -.-''

Later that day, it only struck me that the biker guy actually did only slightly better than me, which must mean that I'm pretty strong and how come he didn't acknowledge that? Sexist pig!

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