12 July 2011

Politik Lagi. Ok Ini Last. Moving On.

In every system in which its operation relies solely on human, there can't be 100% transparency, there can't ever be zero error; because we human, we err.

Whose to say that there is a line between nepotism and just being charitable towards our family? Kalau tak dahulukan keluarga, nanti orang cakap pulak, kera di hutan disusukan, anak dirumah dibiar kelaparan. (Of course, with a little bit of common sense, one can see the line between the above-mentioned two.)

Memang ketelusan yang tulus tu, masih kita tak capai kat Malaysia (sama jugak macam banyak negara lain, kecuali mungkin di negara-negara maju, transparency itu lebih sedikit), masalah rasuah, masalah pembohongan blablabla, tapi aku yakin masih ada orang-orang kerajaan kat Malaysia yang buat kerja dengan ikhlas. Kalau kita stereotype semua orang kerajaan corrupt, tak adil tu, macam fitnah pulak.

I wonder, if by the next election the ruling party were to change, who will be made PM? Anwar? Personally I don't trust him. Why? Instinct. I don't truly believe the dirt that people dig about him, I'd rather give him the benefit of a doubt simply because the two closest women in his life (wife and daughter) seems to be very strong, independent women who can think for themselves and I respect their decisions to stand by him. And even if all that 'rumors' about him turned out to be true, I don't condone the act of publicly humiliating a man along with his whole family. It's dirty politic. Kalau betul dia buat salah macam tu, just tarik jawatan dia and let him go. Tak payah nak drag his reputation and his family together with the sinking ship. Kesian anak-anak dan isteri dia. On another note, doesn't it struck you as a bit strange that amidst all the ongoing crisis, his family recently moved into a new home, which rumored to cost about RM 7 millions? Haih. Entahla.

Dammit woman, so what do you want? Sekejap itu sekejap ini, make up your mind.

I just want the government to clean up their act and repair what needs to be repaired in their system (the room for improvement is evidently very wide), and most importantly, as a young adult and a proud Malaysian, I want the government to treat us with respect, not like children who do not know better. Macam suruh media report benda yang tak betul sedangkan kita boleh tengok dalam internet. Bagila kebebasan kat media sikit. Takdak gunanya nak kepong informasi di zaman-zaman informasi ni. It'll just make an ass out of you and me.

But what do I know. I'm just a 24-year-old citizen with ideals without any credibility since it has been 3 years and I am still not a registered voter. Like my Mom said, my words are just words, like 'tin kosong'.

Thanks a lot, Mom.

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