12 July 2011

What You Do Will Come And Bite You In The Ass Later.

Wishing I'm that squirrel right now. Chilling like a rockstar!

I'm gonna bitch about the weather for a while. Lately, it's too hot to lay outside on the grass, cuddling up with a novel. Even a big jug of iced lemon tea is not going to make the heat tolerable.

When it's not too hot, meaning there's a little bit of cloud with just the right amount of sun, don't be fooled, because the weather has turned bipolar. Verging on a heavy downpour on minute, and in an instant turning back into the mild weather we all crave for.

I need a break. Not really, I've had a lot of breaks already this semester. I just want a break. I guess that's just my body, wanting to run away from facing things that I do not find interesting or appealing, like finishing this project.

My work in the lab so far has been very sloppy; you know like, not paying attention to the get the reading to the closest 0.1 milliliter. I'm not very good with tiny details like that; I like looking at the big picture. So much for wanting to be an engineer. This sloppiness is coming back to bite me in the ass right now, when the results of the 3-week process just turned into shit. Literally. Not much of a surprise since I am working with shit (a.k.a sludge) anyway, you know, that mucky gooey stuff you'll find in the sewer.

Tomorrow I'll pay the first price. By facing my professor and asking him to get me more sludge to work with. Start from the beginning.

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