11 July 2011

While I was getting restless sleeps (tipu, tidoq nyenyak ja) and freaking out about my exam, he promises me that my it is going to turn out just fine. He's willing to bet that everything will be OK and I should stop worrying. He freaking promises me that.

It's pretty annoying having someone oozing positiveness more than Miss Sunshine can handle when all you want to do is sulk and brood over the possibly spilt milk.

On one hand, I truly want to believe him and join his positive force. His promise can be seen as a prayer, and that's all that I'm left with now anyway.

On the other hand, I am angry that he is making a reckless promise like that, one that is not within his might to keep.

Please Herr Hess, put me out of the misery and get the results out already.

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