31 July 2011

Fact is, people judge other people.

Don't be quick to believe that you are different from others. If your brain capacity is enough to allow you to form your own opinion, chances are you'll have your own set of ingrained perception of things around you.

If you are a non-believer, you'll have a certain perception on those who believe.

If you believe in the stand of one political party, it'll inevitably lead you to form your opinion on the opposition party.

If you believe in marriage, you will see those who dismiss the notion of marriage in a certain light.

If you have no qualms of saying exactly how you feel at the cost of someone else's feeling getting hurt, you'll view those who go out of their way to take care of other people's feeling differently.

People who listen to only 'cool' indie music will think those that listen to mainstream music are extremely uncool.

Ada orang pakai tudung yang judge orang tak pakai tudung.

Orang tak pakai tudung pulak reason yang at least depa tak mengata orang.


I think it all boils down to our basic need to find a common ground with another human being. When we find out that the ground seems so far apart, we tend to reason why the other person is different from us. We dissect him, his past, just to arrive to a reason on why we are different. During this process, we judge.

Point is, we all judge. You do it, I do it, we all do. It is almost instinctive.

What makes us different is how we deal with our judgements. Do we let them dictate what we feel towards something for forever, or do we challenge ourselves to see past the veil of those initial judgements?

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