12 July 2011

Insomniac Maniac

I'm a sleep snob.

Meaning that I like to get my sleep just the right amount, an uninterrupted 8 hours, discounting the occasional 'membuta tanpa alarm' after late nights. Which is rare, considering that I stopped being fun after 12. But if I stayed up later than 12 and way into 2-3 in the morning, that's when the craziness and hyperdom hit.

Anyways, I read that one's sleep cycle differs from another. For instance, A might need 7 hours of sleep to function at his best the next day, whereas B might just need 5. To find your natural sleep cycle, it is suggested that you try to go to bed at the same time every night, and wake up without alarm for the next several days. If you do not have any sleeping disorder, chances are, you'll wake up naturally (and feeling fresh) after a certain fixed period of time. That is your sleep cycle.

Mine is 8 hours. And I always find myself waking up several minutes before my alarm goes off. Interrupt me in between the 8 hours, you'll be dealing with a crazy monster. Just ask my little brother. He indulges in picking a fight with the said monster.

Comes summer, because of the shorter night time, which results the prayer times between Maghrib and Subuh to be very close to each other, it is hard to have an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep. Go to sleep after Maghrib at around 10.00 pm, you'll have to be awake before 3.00 am to catch Isyak prayer before Subuh starts.

Whenever I don't get my sleep right, I get cranky and my brain just seems to refuse to work at full speed, lingering at distractions after distractions for way too long. Maybe it's just an excuse for my brain and body to be a slacker. But as they say, your body is your temple so best that I listen and work with it instead of against it.

I did some snooping around on the net, and based on someone else's research, which is more historical rather and scientific, he found out that back in the Renaissance time, poets and intellectuals alike tend to break their sleep cycle into two shorter periods during the summer; 3-4 hours siestas followed by the 4-5 hours of sleep later at night. They found that this method allowed them to get the creative juice flowing, by working late into the night.

So let's try this for a couple of days; 17:30-20:30 followed by 03:30-07:30.

I could use some creative juice.

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