02 July 2011

Malay Dilemma?

Finished reading another chapter in The Malay Dilemma. Susah sungguh nak habiskan. Sebab Ablenkung dari novel-novel lain yang lagi menarik banyak. Lagipon, buku macam ni, lepas habis satu-satu tajuk, nak kena ada sesi diskusi, pastu fikir-fikir dan renung-renungkan, barulah boleh nak absorb betul-betul.

Following a long discussion with Encik just now, we came to a few conclusions (which are of course our mere opinions, not facts, and I never intend to imply so) which can be broken down to a few important points here :

1) Malays protect their Ketuanan Melayu with such fierceness and perhaps, rightly so.

2) Most Malays tend to discredit themselves too quick too often; they've been told a long time ago that they are not able to compete with other races without the leverage of the Bumiputera title, and they hold onto the belief so dearly.

3) Most Malays are afraid of the Malaysian Chinese. They are just human beings! They've no superpowers! Some of them work really hard, and the results show. That's it. There are slackers Chinese, as there are slackers Malays and Indians. It has nothing to do with race! Not unless we allow ourselves to conform to these racial stereotypes.

4) Most Malays believe that without the leverage, our race would perish; I personally think we should give ourselves more credit regarding our capabilities.

5) Most Malays are scared of the possibility of no 4) actually happening, but most Malays do not take proactive measures in case no 4) actually happens. We stay lazy. And lament and complain. Well, at least, we are good at that.

6) Some influential group notices this fear, and they use it as a chain to keep us from questioning too much, if at all, from forming our own opinions other than those that are in line with the group's interest.

7) In return, we give this group of people too much power, that we readily give up our rights, and they keep feeling more secure and getting sloppier in fulfilling their responsibility to us, to the country.

8) I know the situation in Malaysia is not as dire as in the Middle Eastern, and some might question, tak cukup bersyukur ke apa yang dah dapat?, but do we really need to wait until things get much worse before wanting a change?

9) Disregarding any involvement of political parties in it, I still think Bersih is not a bad concept. Who in their right mind wouldn't want a fair election in their country? Saying 'no' to that is like proclaiming that we are totally OK with the possibility of being cheated.

10) Kenapa orang nak cakap, tak cukup ka apa kerajaan bagi?, tak bersyukur ka dengan pembangunan yang kerajaan dah buat?, I mean that's pretty messed up, how they think of that. First of all, I believe that the notion of perasaan syukur tu hanya boleh digunakan kepada Tuhan. Rezeki Tuhan yang bagi ok, dan itu bergantung setakat mana yang kita usaha. Second of all, it's not like the government took the money out of their own pocket to feed us, to do all these pembangunan! It's the taxpayer's money, and if your parents pay their taxes, you are entitled to what we have gotten in our country so far. Third of all, it's their responsibility because it's their job. If they do their job properly, respect, they deserve to stay another term, but bersyukur to them? Or maybe I misunderstood and they actually meant, bersyukur kepada Tuhan of what the government has done to our country so far. But the way to show our kesyukuran is by saying 'no' to a fair election? Ok, that's even more messed up than the first one.

11) I'm not taking any sides, I don't even have sides that if someone would ask me to pangkah right now, the paper would just come up blank (when the time comes to pangkah I would look at the calon-calon first, that's my strategy). I just want to see Malaysia has a political scene that's healthy in which both sides work together to keep each other in check, and the voice of the people and kepentingan rakyat are the ones that matter the most. Or maybe that exists only in a dream.

12) I cycled for 31km today woot! Hehe. Sekarang, kalau baring pon kaki sakit. Sungguh tak macho. Ok itu ja nak tambah.


Asma Azizan said...

Setuju. Geram bila org cakap pasal tak bersyukur ni. bersyukur? tunjukkan sebab kenapa saya perlu sangat bersyukur.

I don't think Malaysia will ever be like Egypt. Unless Malaysian police force decides to do unjust like the police there.

Kalau polis tak datang kacau pukul2 tangkap2 sesuka hati kemungkinan besar demonstrasi tu akan jadi demonstrasi aman.

Curi org lain punya status "Saya lebih mementingkan keadilan dari keamanan. Tak ada salahnya huru hara sehari dua untuk keamanan berpanjangan. Biar anak cucu tau datuk nenek dia tak senang dibuli."


"Masalahnya, adakah itu sahaja caranya? Dan apakah isu dan sbb perhimpunan itu berasas? Dan btul ke ketua perhimpunan itu benar bukan yg memusuhi perlembagaan yg melindungi islam? Tidak salah mengorbankan seorg dua atau sedikit demi keamanan berpanjangan. Kita kena halang perhimpunan xberasas ini supaya anak cucu kita tahu kita tidak senang dibuli dan diperbodohkan, bro..."

tak setuju. kenapa perlu campur aduk islam la hak istimewa melayu la. Matlamat bersih nk adakan pilihanraya yang adil. itu je. ape kaitannya dengan hak istimewa melayu. hish tak paham.

jera said...

kan?? aku tak paham macam mana konsep bersih tu boleh diputarbelit sampai kaitkan dengan isu-isu agama & ketuanan melayu. diaorang takut sbb chairperson bersih india? takut pasni nasib melayu tak terjaga? kiranya kita orang melayu memang tak mau fair election la sbb nk jaga kepentingan kaum? what a good impression. perhimpunan tu orang nak adakan sebab idea bersih tu ditolak. tu ja. bukan sebab saja2 nak start rusuhan...

"Unless Malaysian police force decides to do unjust like the police there." tolong lah jangan. please la. takut gk aku puis-pulis malaysia ni.