30 June 2011

Celebration of Femininity

I want to wear this on THE day!

Gorgeous Karla from Karla's Closet.

Apa ni..asyik-asyik cakap pasal THE day. Pi bagi abis study dulu.

Terkena tempias sekejap sebab two of my close friends told me they were getting married (not to each other! haha) on my birthday. Can't wait to go to their wedding.

Oh wait. Is it the phase people are talking about when one of your friend starts to get married and it kinda triggers a chain reaction and soon everyone in your circle of friends are married?

Anyways, was wondering, if people in this century dress up as in the Victorian times, wouldn't it be fun? The corset-thingy is not so fun, that's like self-torture, but what's so different with women going under the knife to get boob jobs, Botox and the whole shebang anyway.

Though there's the downside about how femininity is celebrated purely based on the aesthetic value, how women back then were not as empowered as today's women, and a whole string of other arguments, I still think women during that time look so glamorous, so classy. Women with higher status in the status cover up their body, and even the glimpse of the ankles are considered naughty.

Now, see where we are? I really truly believe that the culprits who change this perception of dressing up and being attractive are men. Show some legs! A little bit of cleavage is fine, love, well maybe more. Yep, more is definitely better. At the end of the day, it's free will la kan, people do whatever they want to do, but it worries me seeing teenagers as young as 13-17 years old on my little brother's Facebook posting up pictures wearing practically just a bra while posing in a suggestive manners which have hormone-driven boys who had just reached puberty commenting and liking these kinds of pictures like crazy. And the young girls, their sense of self-esteem in the process of taking form, got the impression that to get boys' attention and affection, they should all turn into whores with extra topping of bitchiness.


Got carried away. As always. Sebenarnya nak tunjuk baju cantik tu ja. Hehe. Later!

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