22 February 2011

Sweet Beginnings Do Arrive

Been doing some catching up with good friends back in Langkawi. It was as if things have never changed much between us. Even though a lot has actually changed; Zaty already has her Master's degree, Paan is working on it while Ellie has already started working. Aku ja yang tertinggal lagi ni, biasalah naik KTM.

With these favourite people of mine, even though we haven't met for the longest time (excluding one of them because the other one is always biiiiiziiiiii and the other is away in Sarawak), I am never afraid of the possibility of awkwardness once we meet again. We have such history that will bind us forever.

Ceh. Me the dramatic drama queen.

Not to sound like I'm exaggerating thing, but really, we do share a lot of priceless moments together. Ones that we would insist on telling our grandchildren over and over although the punch line has lost its novelty after the third time of re-telling it.

Like the one about when we hid under our beds to run away from the 'surau police'. Sometimes we skipped going to surau during Maghrib prayer and looking back it was very silly of us really, but what to do, there are times when we girls just like to take our time to get ready; like taking an extra long shower, comb our hair a little extra thoroughly, stare at our pimples in the mirror a little longer than usual, etc. Whatever. So anyways, that day, the chief of the surau police herself (read : the ustazah) decided to do the rounds. Uh oh. We are in trouble. Retreat to safer ground, now! So we crawled under our beds. The four of us! How stupid is that!

It's amazing to see how quick one's thinking is under dire situation like that. The three of us turned into survival mode and headed under the bed in a swift move, while Zaty being the laid-back cool-as-ice-cucumber managed to grab an apple before going into hiding. So while we were under our beds, which had accumulated enough dust to fill a large KFC bucket, trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid detection, she kept herself busy munching on the apple, to the annoyance of the rest of us, which has to hold our sneezes.

And then there was the time when we sneaked out early from prep class to secure our supper of nasi lemak that always sold out within 5 minutes after prep. On our way to the hostel, we heard a honk and naturally we all thought it was the warden which triggered us into running as fast as we could towards the nearest hostel entry. Zaty tripped over something and fell flat head-first (lawak gila bila ingat balik hahaha) onto the ground; but the fact that her hands never let go of the two bungkus of nasi lemak from her hands tells us something about her sheer determination and dedication. Turned out, it was not the warden, it was the retards from the DS (Dewan Selera).

The numerous rooftop sessions, where we would climb and lie on the roof during night time and talk about anything and everything while gazing up at the Langkawi sky. I tell you, it's an amazing sight; it would even be fair to say that it's the prettiest sky I've ever seen in my whole life. There's no severe light pollution so thousands and thousands and thousand of stars, in form of glittery tiny dots in all sizes, were starkly visible over the pitch dark night sky. Shooting stars are a normal sight there. Oh and how can I forget, the time when we got extra daring all of the sudden, and sneaked out into the football field in the middle of the night, not minding any ghost stories whatsoever, just so we could lie flat in the middle of the vast green field, to stare straight up at the night sky. We were lucky to never have been caught by the warden. And because the night creatures minded their own business that night and left us alone.

Sometimes we spent our whole weekly outing at Taman Lagenda, which has such a beautiful landscape, that it was so peaceful to be there. To anyone who hasn't been there, it's basically a park, in which the scenes of all the legends surrounding Langkawi were re-enacted in life-sized statues. Names such as Kuah, Beras Terbakar, Pulau Dayang Bunting, Belanga Pecah, all has a story behind it, however outrageous they may sound.

Our favourite spot is the shack perched on top of a hill, overlooking the Langkawi harbor. The sight, the wind, and the sound of the waves, all three elements when combined together created such an incredible sense of calmness. The hill was meant to tell the story was about a fight between two giants (one is Mat Cincang, the other I can't remember) on their son's and daughter's wedding day, which resulted in the death of both of them. You could see two giant hands sprouted from the hill, the rest of their bodies were underground, perhaps to tell that they fought until their last breath.

During the whole of Form 4, we were living in our own little world, everyone else is second. We weren't in the same class except Zaty and Paan so each night, after prep, we would come back to the room and exchange stories of what happened in each other's classes. That was how I first heard of Mr Boyfriend hehe. I always thought of what a funny an interesting guy he is, but he looks so menacing and garang which intrigues me more. Uuuuh and he's so tall and such thick eyebrows he has, I thought he was pretty handsome LOL.

So over the time, I developed a crush on him, thanks to their stories. Oh and how can I forget, if it wasn't for Paan, stealing his number from a friend's phone, there's a chance we might not even be together now. Me the shy girl ahaha. I kept his number for months before decided to do something about it!

Ellie doing hundres of push-ups without breaking a sweat. Paan having a crush on that certain someone hehe. Paan for being addicted to Nescafe and me never touching that sinful drink and now look at me; three glasses of caffein per day. Us being addicted to maggi goreng ayam bijanwhich is not in sale anymore for God knows what. Ellie having a super crush on Superman*wink wink*. Ellie and me having a crush on the same senior, and by the way he's in Ireland now, rambut panjang dah kurang hot. Calling ourselves M4 after the Korean? Japanese? series F4. Gossiping late into the night. Always having to wait for Zaty to get ready to go out for outing. Hehe. Dealing with needy other person who wants to be included in M4 no way Jose we are tight. Dealing with the fishy appearance of needy other person in impossible circumstances that brought chills to our bones. Having someone told us that the boys saw a creature of some sort hanging outside of our window on their walk back to the hostel from the football field during Maghrib prayer.

Omg. Writing about this makes me miss them more. I should really arrange a catching up soon after I get back; the four of us at the same time.

I know I don't keep in touch as much as I should, but they should know, they mean a whole lot to me. They are my good friends and I don't give the title easily to just anyone, you know. =)


ElliS said...

azra!!!!!! aku x tau pun kau ade blog..hehehe weh, terharu aku bc..mmg terimbau balik la kisah2 lama ni, byk sgt kenangan ngan korg..plus igt tak time bulan puase ke, yg x nak g surau tu, konon x nk gelap sgt, p bungkus lampu ngan krtas merah kot klau x clap..haha bkn ke lg cerah lmpu tu..btw, superman tu yg mn dh, aku x igt sgt tp abg francisco aku igt la...hahaha makes me laugh n smile while reading this.. ;) definitely a must tuk gathering m4 ek..heeee i can't wait to see u girls!!!♥♥♥ soo much.. - ellie

jera said...

tp cantik la lampu merah tu hahaha. tp bila ingt blk gila jahat taknak p surau time bln posa ;p. superman tu francesco la, sbb kn aku pnh tak sngaja trnmpk boxer dia kaler merah hahaha. lama gila tak jumpa hg ellie, dh brtmbh ayu dh hehe. slalu kalau blk jumpa makcik paan ja. orait, nnt wajib buat gathering! take care~

me said...

aiyak..seyes rindu.those were the best moments in my life ever. reunion is a must! ^^,

jera said...

rindu kamu semua jugak... tetiba teringat, pastu panjang gila menulis nya. stop pon sbb ada benda nk kena buat ;)