02 February 2011

Of Silly Crushes

This happened when I was around 7 or 8 years old.

True story.

Twice every week I went to this kelas mengaji. It was more for the fun part that I went. My mom was very strict when it comes to junk food that I wasn't allowed to indulge in any 'Super Ring' or 'Mamee' or ais asam or any other stuff from cheap candyland for that matter without her supervision. Except the occasional relatively safe and healthy Rocky sticks.

So I used this chance, to tell my mom to drop me off early at the center, under the pretense that I wanted to rehearse for my mengaji lesson.

Truth is, the moment the coast was clear, and her car was out of sight, together with a couple of friend, we would run to the kedai nyonya which is across the road, blow off all my money on every imaginable junk food available there, and eat everything at once on the spot. I was, what you may call, The Junk Food Rebel. Muahahaha.

Anyways. Besides the sugar high trip, I enjoyed going there because I got to meet my friends, Sha and her brother. And then, there was a friend of his brother. Jeng jeng jeng.

He was quite cute, I still remember his name : Norman. Dah la KRU was all the rage at that time, never mind that my favourite from the trio was Yusry. Tak dapat Yusry, Norman pon jadilah. Hahaha.

One day, I was waiting for the class to start, so to kill time, I brought out my princess-y coloring book.

Norman and Sha's brother were fooling around like always. Time tu, cerita Jimi Asmara tengah meletup. So they were taking turns reenacting the scenes, their favourite seemed to be the one in which the showgirl, played by Raja Azura kalau tak salah, was performing.

After awhile, maybe he got bored, so Norman came to the table, asking what I was doing. I proudly showed him my completed piece of 'art'. So he said, pretending to be impressed, while pointing to a brand new page of yet to be colored princess, "Abang Norman nak gambar yang ni la, nanti kalerkan untuk abang ek."

My heart fluttered, I was so excited that I started working on the picture right after I got home that night.

The whole point of this story is, I got a little girly crush on that guy, so when he asked me to do something, I didn't wait any longer. I liked him, so anything I could do to make him happy, I would do it, sooner rather than later. Makes sense, no?

Just saying. HINT.

Though it must have escaped his memory the next day when he didn't even asked for the picture pon. Guys. Haihh.


Asma Azizan said...

jera ltk button like. aku tanak comment. aku nk like je. haha

ok tetibe teringat. nk comment jugak lah. haha. dulu aku ada crush kt budak ni. dia tlg jaga koperasi sekolah sbb dia tunggu masuk asrama(aku pn tak ingat mana aku korek sampai boleh tau). masa tu klu dgr masuk asrama mesti rasa org tu pandai giler. jadi dia termasuklah dlm golongan tu. dh la pandai, comel pulak. aku rasa lawak giler sbb satu hari tu aku pegi beli brg pastu lupe amik lps dia senyum kt aku. aduhh. crush pn cover2 la sket. very the fail. trus lps tu tak gi koperasi dah sampai tukar org lain.

jera said...

takkan aku nk publish kt facebook cm hanis zalikha. oh my, noew, tak cukup glamer.

hahaha weh bakat hg mengorek2 ni sblm dr zmn facebook lg, hebat2. alahai comelnya cita hg..senyum terus lupa!

aku cita suma2 ni kt fudye dia ckp pelik sbb dia n kwn2 dia time sekolah rendah tak fikir lagi pasal suma2 tu. adakah perempuan mmg advance? tapi takpa, rugi mereka sbb kita ada kenangan lawak cmni kt skolah rendah.

Asma Azizan said...

kan skrg ni boleh upgrade. blogger pn boleh like2. ak tak reti la tp.. tanya moon. aku rasa dia reti

aku rasa budak pompuan advance sbb slalu berfantasi pasal kawen kot. nk pakai gown la ape la biler kawen nnti. dan dari tadika dah kot main masak2, main rumah2, main kawen2. sedikit sebyk benda tu meracun fikiran. hahaha