16 February 2011

Dreamers, Dreamers, Close Your Eyes And Make A Wish

A lot of times I would try to avoid taking the trams at noon; because that's when the school bell rings and the kids would swarm everywhere, making lots of noise and unnecessary movement. Blame it on their growth hormone. Thank God it's not a tropical climate here, or they'll stink, to make matters more unbearable as it already is.

Coming back from Fachhochschule one day, I've forgotten the fact that it was approaching noon so when I got to the tram station, kids were already buzzing everywhere, excited to be rid of school for the rest of the day.

Fortunately, I managed to secure a seat, as seats were scarce during these hours. I was sitting with another three elementary school kids, a girl with another two boys. I can't help but listen to their conversation. They were discussing the teacher, the exam, their friends, the usual things kids their age are busy with.

And then the talk on their usual everyday stuff shifted to discussing each other's ambition. The girl proudly announced, her blue eyes sparkled, her curly blonde hair framed her round face almost perfectly, "Well, I want to be a singer when I grow up. Or a fashion designer. Because fashion interests me so much. "

A smile broke across my face. Ah, the charm of the innocence of young kids. Their dare to dream and to believe with such admirable bravado, which we as adults are losing along the way. Unfortunately.

In the school of life, sometimes, we tend to pick up all the wrong lessons. One of the most damaging one I think, is that we learn to settle. We gave up on our dreams and ideals and settle for less than we are actually worth of.

And for what price?

Is it worth it?

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