21 February 2011

Monday Morning

Think I've found a new feel-good-song to sing loudly on any given bad or not-so-awesome day. Doesn't mean that I'm replacing my all-time-favourite All-Star by Smashmouth which has been there for me for years and years already I think I've developed a relationship with the song already, as far as a relationship with a song could go. But the competition that this new song poses is quite big that I'm having a hard time not to put this no. 1 on my list of favourites.

Now every single crack, every penny that I pass,
says I should either leave or pick it up
But with every single buck I've made
I'm saddled with bad luck that came
Oh be calm. Be calm.
I know you feel like you are breaking down.
I know that it gets so hard sometimes,
Be calm.
Take it from me, I've been there a thousand times.
You hate your pulse because it thinks you're still alive
and everything's wrong
It just gets so hard sometimes
Be calm.


Having friends over for the past few days helped in lessening the withdrawal syndrome from the boyfriend. Now that he's started working, I feel like I'm being selfish if I still want to tell him every single pathetic detail of my daily musings and worries. Oh well. Perhaps I can start ranting here. If you think what I've ranted so far is emotional, then you might have a little clue on what he must have gone through.


You don't guilt someone into doing something. That's just not how we roll around here, dude.


I hate having nothing to do. I hate being bored. I just hate it; it drives me crazy. Thus all the constant distractions; the sewing, the TV series, the blogs, the clothes, the sudokus/kakuros, the books, the magazines, the craft projects, etc. Lately I hate waking up so early with not much to do except studying. To start on my sewing project with exams close approaching seem absurd and a little too ambitious. Maybe God heard my prayer and granted me important things to do early on Monday morning. It's a blessing in disguise really; in form of losing my purse.

Time to visit the police station to report for stolen/missing things for the second time in Doshland. Yay!


1 comment:

atie othman said...

sgt membencikan bila boyfie start keja >.<
sabaq ja laaaa hahaha