28 November 2010


I am not going to try to be positive about the approaching winter what with the snow already hitting some parts of Germany already.

I hate winter. With a passion.

It's so cold; makes me prone to getting constant brain freeze whenever I stay outdoor for more than 15 minutes, not to mention the shivering. Yeah sure it's a pretty sight waking up to a world covered up with a layer of fresh snow, kinda reminded me somehow of the pureness of the world, of how your whole life is spread out like a blank canvas before you for you to explore, yada yada yada. But like every beauty, it doesn't stay long. The next day, everywhere you walk, you'll notice that every corner of whiteness is melted and tainted by yellow spots, sometimes ughhh brown! Thanks to the overpopulation of dogs in Gelsenkirchen messing up my profound epiphany about the whole blank canvas thingy. How do you interpret and integrate that into the picture? To always be aware because in life there'll be dogs with bowel incontinence happily shitting all over your blank canvas?

Don't judge me. I love dogs. I think some of them are so cute sometimes I find myself almost reaching out and give them a back rub. But there should be laws citing that owners should pick up after their dogs' by-products, like in the States. It's just disgusting.

Where was I at? Oh on why I hate winter. First, it's cold. I don't care if students in Russia are saying, "-6 degree? Meh, that's like summer for us. Come try -40 here." Anything below 10 is no fun for me. Secondly, it's yucky (dog poo). Third, it's wet meaning it's very slippery; how's that for an added adventure for an already clumsy clown as it is like me. Fourth, the sun goes down at 4.30 p.m. like whattttt? But the last one is actually not really that bad. It gives me motivation to wake up early in the morning and not go back to bed after that because I do not want to miss the unfolding of the day and to soak up on every ray of sunlight. Plus I rarely ever have any evening or afternoon nap anymore. Daylight is too precious to miss around this time of the year.

Truth is, I'm over getting hyped on snow. Done. Seriously.

But as much as a winter-hater I am, there are just too much to look forward to this winter. Especially this winter.

First and foremost, like every winter, there'll be huge clearance sales on summer items everywhere you turn which is just too good to pass up. Damn you capitalist pigs, banking in on my weakness for clothes I don't actually really truly need. I just simply want them because they are cute. What choice do I have? Living off the grid? Maybe when I'm a millionaire and I have a vast property in a beautiful and serene countryside somewhere, with an olympic-sized pool fashioned like a natural waterfall, a farm large enough where I could rear cows and chickens and fishes and ponies and zebras and grow my own fruits and veggies, I might be able to finally be self-sufficient. But not now. The temptation of the materialstic capitalist world is just unbearable that I choose to simply succumb.

Fave latest find at Asosawesome.de.

After rearranging my clothes based on the colors, I realize that there's no trace of purple in my wardrobe. And green (one doesn't count). And peach. Hello capitalism, goodbye good consumerism.

What else? A good friend of mine is finally visiting! Planning to go to Brussels to taste for ourselves if all the hype over their infamous waffles is well-justified.

I'm drooling. Ooooh can't wait.

Winter won't be too dull this time around when I'll be planning and booking tickets for my first real Europe tour comes March. Arrrrrrrrrrh. I actually just screamed out. Loudly. Out of excitement. Hihi.

Plus there's a company that I enjoy being around with very close nearby so this winter won't be dull at all. It'll be cold as hell, for sure, but not dull.

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