17 November 2010

Dearest Umi,

I might not be able to say that I miss your cooking like most of my friends do.

But that can be easily compensated by a string of other food-related things.

I miss our breakfast outing. It doesn't matter where we go, it's always a choice between nasi lemak ayam or roti kahwin (roti telur + roti kosong) in the end. Milo ais pekat is a MUST. I miss our stroll around pasar pagi thereafter. We almost always find something to buy. Surat khabar, fresh veggies for maktok and other occasional odd things like sepit rambut, teh herba, keronsang, etc. Lagi best kalau ada orang jual ubat bawak ular tedung selar saiz anaconda.

I miss our late night teh tarik outing. Of course it wouldn't just stop at just teh tarik. There's got to be food. Double plate kat Burger Gemilang memang terbaik. Roti tisu best jugak. Kuetiau kungfu panas-panas tengah malam memang terbaik. Kadang-kadang nasi goreng dengan telur mata. And yet I keep on biatchin' about how I put on a lot of weight during the semester break. Sigh. We have the most memorable heart-to-heart talk during these outings. Looking back, I don't mind the extra pounds so much now. I would have traded the less-kilos with our outings in a heartbeat. But now that I'm getting older and my skin might not be so elastic anymore to accommodate the expansion-compression cycle, maybe for our late-night outings next year, I'll just stick with teh o kurang gula. No food. Boo hoo.

Our bazar Ramadhan outing has got to be the best one. Running errands just in time to get to Cik Siti before her home-made nasi dagang + nasi kerabu sold out. Sometimes we made it in time. Other times we lost the battle. I tried to vary my choice of food by alternating it with nasi beriyani or nasi campur every other day but in the end I just succumbed. Cik Siti's nasi dagang wins hands down. People just go crrrazy over her nasi dagang + kerabu. Sometimes we have to stand there for a good 15 minutes before we even got noticed. Pakcik makcik kat sebelah ada yang give up and blah camtu ja. Nasi dagang for me and kerabu for you and maktok. One of the earthly pleasures. Oh and how can I forget. Jus jambu dengan asam. Perghhh. Ok I'm drooling right now.

Susah tak nak buat nasi dagang? *hmmmmm*

Of course, our late night outings didn't stop during this month. We raided downtown and bazar raya. Though I stop being fun after 12.00 a.m., you were just relentless that I normally gave in. I'm just not a late-night kinda person, mom, don't take it personally. *I am not a too-early-in-the-morning kinda person either so what does that make me? A late-morning-till-early evening kinda person?*

By now you would've guessed. I miss my mom!

Take care, I LOVE you, you know that.

p.s : I promise, this post is NOT, in any way, a dishonest attempt for future personal gains, now that I know you read my blog. I just really miss you, Umi ;)

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