06 November 2010


An important number that adds up to your equation of self-worth. It is as fragile as a newborn.

A pain to live with, but can't live without it either.

What's worse is when it gets bruised. And it gets bruised rather easily if you are not careful who you hand it to.

Bruised ego. Boahh. What a baggage to carry.

But it's not like you can unload it, leave it by the sidewalk and walk away. Life wouldn't be any easier without it.

The only option you seem to have is to carry on, and let time heal it. Although it bruises easily, it doesn't heal as easily and that's the problem.

Sometimes even a lifetime is not enough to heal a bruise.

Sometimes just when you think you are totally over it, the memory comes and bites you in the ass, stumbling you in the process.

There's nothing else you can do except dwell in it, as long as it requires you to. There's no cure.

There's only prevention. That can save you a lifetime down the torturous road of self-pity.

Next time, when it comes to a situation in which you thought of compromising your principles, values and your own self, don't. Just don't. If you ever loose yourself, you cease to exist only in the approval of others. At the end of the day, when the others are gone, what would you be left with? Nothing.

No kick, no high, no thrill, no guy, no adventure is ever worth trading yourself with.

Trust me.

*Looking forward to a lazy gloomy Saturday with continuous supply of caffeine.

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