03 November 2010

Substance Abuse

Coca Cola used to have cocaine and caffeine in it. Back when the negative side effect of cocaine still wasn't discovered, which means it was still not considered an illegal substance, Coca Cola contained traces of them. They still use coca leaves (from which cocaine is derived) but not enough to get you soaring high except the sugar.

Although fully legal and widely consumed, caffeine is considered as a psychoactive drug. But still, caffeine addiction has never been thrown into a group of serious substance abuse along with nicotine and alcohol.

I know this is not really healthy, relying on a caffeine fix to wake me up after a straight peaceful 8 hours of sleep, but what a girl to do? The attention and energy boost that it provides after every cup is just too good to deny myself of. Tambahan pulak sekarang sejuk, tapi bila minum secawan, mula rasa panas badan. Barula boleh bukak tingkap dan anginkan bilik!

At least, now I only need 3-4 cups a day compared to my DHI days...

I will stop being dependent on caffeine once boyfriend stops smoking. Muahaha.


hawe said...

sounds like a fair deal to me. ;)

jera said...

it sure is kn? hehe *thumbs up*

F. Mung said...

cola is pretty much coffee+lime.