28-year-old mummy to an amazing 1-year-old baby Anggun who I secretly believes favor her daddy more than me but of course, I won't admit that to him. Entrepreneur, environmental scientist, go-getter.
10 November 2012
Less than a month to the wedding...
But to be fair, we were caught up with a lot of things at once, falsely believing that we have superpowers. Wrong.
But nothing could beat the feeling of joy, bliss, relief flooding through the moment we were pronounced as husband and wife. Everything is worth that moment onwards.
Just when I'm getting busy to materialize this wedding, my laptop broke. How convenient is Murphy's Law now heh? I hate you Murphy, I really do.
So anyways, I'm stuck here in the office on a Saturday, planning the wedding while finishing of work that comes with impossible deadlines (but mostly just surfing Pinterest for wedding ideas, work can wait) while waiting for my man to finish work and arrive later today in KL. Living the life, huh? Very much.
1) Balloons
The people here at Delon Balloons (www.delonballoons.com/) have the best job ever! They have such fun job that they even work all week long! We visited them last Sunday and they were all smiles! No wonder there, who wouldn't want to work with balloons. If you like the idea of having balloons at your wedding, you would go berserk once you are in the shop. They have all kind of imaginable balloons! The price for balloon printing is very affordable, I was surprised myself when I found out about it. Sent the design last week, and yesterday they called to say the balloons were ready. Both their branches are based in Johor, one in Skudai and one in Kulaijaya. They offer courier service but I prefer of picking them up myself because I've got my eyes on more things in their shop to buy =D
Helium. A helium-filled balloon can only last for 8-10 hours so I have to source it somewhere nearer. A friend of my mom has a friend who supplied helium. So settled. To tell you the truth, I can't wait to swallow some helium and try out that squeaky voice thing! It would be fun!
2) Horse
Booked. Together with the decoration it costs Rm100. Haven't told the guy that I wanted his horse to wear a horn. With the embellishment that the horse is going to wear on the day, what's a horn on his head? Dear God, forgive me if that is considered as animal abuse.
(Of all the things on my list, these 2 get top priority. Just goes to show how messed up my prioritization is.)
3) Doorgift box
Someone I've worked with before in screenprinting did the design for a personalized giftbox and I am so stoked to see the result! Feel like putting it here now but it would take out the surprise no? Hint : We use our thumbprints to create a heart-shape; an idea I stole somewhere on the net hihi. But the guy who did the design is soooo talented, he did what I wanted and added extra detail that makes the box fits for a Malay wedding doorgift.
4) Dress
Can we skip this part because I want to cry now. I have no baju! Going to Medan Mara to find tailor today.
5) Candy Buffett
Found a halal marshmallow provider. She even has a halal certificate and all. A friend has agreed to help do the decoration.
6) Hall decoration
Would be bravely undertaken by yours truly. Godspeed. Pinwheels, doilies, ribbons, shells, and whatnots. Which reminds me I have to go buy stuff at the craftstore now. Before the husband arrives.
There'a actually another 12 items on the list. Will add them later!
11 October 2012
Bride on a Budget
But we had real fun in the process and I think that's what's most important. No matter how much money you have to splurge on your wedding, if you didn't take the time to enjoy the experience, and instead stress on every littlest detail, it won't be a great memory to carry with.
So anyways. Here's the breakdown of what has been done up until now.
1) Solemnization
So far I think we have everything covered. Borang nikah for both sides have been finalized, FINALLY, THANK GOD! Now we can get married. When the personnel at the religious office asked me to go see the ustazah to certify all the forms I brought, he told my mom that I shall go inside alone. Towards the end of our interview, of which she asked why get married in Kulim when my IC stated Alor Setar etc, the ustazah asked me, "Do you really want to get married on your own will, this is not forced right?" Then it made sense why I had to go in alone. I just wanted to scream "Yes, I DO I DO wanna get married to this guy!" Gatal. Hihi.
Advice numero uno, arrange HIV appointment way beforehand as most health clinics can only issue a result for up until 3 weeks. That, or you have to wait up to a month to get an appointment. I did mine at Klinik Kesihatan Bangi. Booked an appointment 3 weeks beforehand but the process took overall 10 minutes and I got the results within an hour. Talasemia is an optional test; Fudhail did his HIV test in Kangar, where they took one bloody vial of blood to carry out both test. I opted out because in Bangi, you have to be poked once for each test. Fudhail's already tested negative for talasemia so nahhh..
2) Details for Majlis Nikah
Pelamin (dais), hiasan katil, hiasan hantaran, extra beading for the dress, make-up, veil + tudung, bouquet of flower, all of these will be provided by a friend of my aunt. I like the make-up she did, not too heavy on the shading, kinda natural as far as a bride is allowed to look natural. Everything costed about RM800 and although I would have gladly forfeited the katil pengantin deco, my mom reasoned that it was for photography purposes, to put all the hantarans, not for us to sleep anyway. Ok noted.
3) Wedding Rings
We bought both our rings at My Diamond. Habib was way over our budget. A classic cut diamond ring with just one diamond costs about RM3k. Seteress. I actually went to My Diamond with my mom first, and the first ring that really caught my eyes, she disagreed with, saying that it's too fancy to be a wedding ring, not like your usual conventional wedding ring.
When I went back with Fudhail, I asked him to pick the one he likes to see me wear, without showing my preference just so not to influence his choice and lo and behold, his first pick was the one I had my eyes on! I knew that we had found the ring! Problem then was my mom. But we bought it anyway, sorry mom. I believe it'll grow on her some day, no worries. The diamond is brilliant cut, with detailing in rose gold. So excited to wear it everyday forever for as long as I live!
We bought the groom's ring there too; cincin suasa, an alloy made up of gold, silver and copper with its gold percentage less than both silver and copper combined, making it Ok for our Muslim husbands to wear it. Both rings costed us about RM2k. On top of that, we got rebate RM250 some more, yay to us thrifty bride/groom!
4) Photographer
As I insisted on having our days commemorated in videos, edited and all, this is one area that I could have but didn't feel like trimming. The cost for covering both nikah and reception events in photos would be around RM1800. Together with cinematography, the package costs RM3400.
5) Invitation card
We went to Gedung Kad Kahwin, in Kompleks Puchong Perdana. They have batshit crazy deal! For instance, RM580 for 1000 pieces cards, 2 free banners, 10 free signage, 500 chair boxes for door gift. And the design, whoah, the selection is very extensive. From garish overdone designs to modern minimalist ones, you name it, they have every design to suit your taste. Unfortunately, it would take at least a month for them to complete your order. So it pays to be early! Padan muka semua pon nak buat last minute. So in the end, we placed our order in some printer shop in Kulim, who could get everything ready in 2 weeks time. I'm trusting my mom on the design as I do not have time to actually go back and pick the design.
6) Self-pampering
You gotta love Groupon for this. Bought a facial and waxing package worth RM500 for just RM80. So next weekend is pampering time; including dentist appointment, getting a hair cut, spa mani/pedi at the Nail Parlor because your nails will stay shining for one whole month!
7) Engagement prezzie
We decided to opt for watches instead of rings for our engagement. One tip is to buy from a certified watch dealers at shopping complexes instead of a branch selling just one brand, simply because you can get extra discount on top of the official discount offered at the time. In our case, we got and extra plus minus RM200 discount apart from the 10% discount.
8) Reception hall.
Got to see the inside of the hall for our reception in December. Got the layout plan already so super excited! Mom got in touch with her high school friend who has a band we're gonna have a live band on the day. Have to compile a list of songs to give them so they can practice. Was thinking of singing a song on the day hihi perasan sungguh tapi takpa, permaisuri sehari kan bagila can walaupun suara tak sedap mana.
I wanted to have a projector to play the video to our solemnization ceremony since most of the friends will not be present on the day because of raya. But the hall is an open space I don't think there'll be any dim corner to allow the video to be watchable on the white screen. Haihhh.
Need to call the halal marshmallow person. Printed balloons. Door gifts. Survey horse carriage, my mom said she has seen a white horse before. Need to create FB event. Inform friends if they want to stay at the hotel, need to book now (plus there's 10% discount for guests), because December will be packed with people wanting to go to Langkawi.
List of things to do keep growing. Doakanlah supaya semuanya dipermudahkan ya, I really need all the help I can at this moment. Need to rest now, good night!
20 September 2012
Letter to Future Son(s)/Daughter(s)
In less than 2 months, I will be married to your father, someone I have loved for quite a long time. I still do love him, with an increasing intensity with each passing day, and he still makes me blush and giggle like a schoolgirl.
We are both 25 years old this year, not rich, not broke either. Just enough to get by and enjoy the little pleasures life has to offer from time to time. Life is not that hard, we had it easier than our parents, that's for sure, but it's not a breeze all the time either.
Dreams, we have many of those, many of which have not materialized yet.
With the wedding inching closer, it's the inevitable to have people ask us about our plan in popping out mini us in the near future. To tell you the truth, I find the question terrifying. Like for instance, a colleague in office told us she is 3 months pregnant and the rest joked that I will be next. And I became defensive, to the point of near hyperventilating that I would exaggerate every single problem into a mountain.
Am I going to be able to go after all of my dreams after I have kids to tend to? What about the kids' father, is he going to miss out the baby's first smile, first word, first step? (As for now, both of us has agreed to live separately after marriage due to work obligation.) What about me; with the hormonal change and all, am I going to endure all that without someone holding my hair behind my neck while I puke over a the sink, cry and puke some more? What about my cravings, who's going to tend to that when my husband is going to be 4-hour drive away? Who is going to take care of the kids? Have you seen the video where the nanny kicked and stepped on the baby when it cries? I'm not putting my kids at such a risk, I'm going to hate myself. If I have to work, who's going to take the kids to museum after school, teach them about the world more than what the school can teach them, nurture their inquisitiveness? Am I going to have time to take them to the playground? Would they end up spending most of their waking time with the nanny than with me? Would they end up preferring to play Angry Birds on iPad than talk to me, or read books? Am I going to get fat with lots of cellulite? Am I going to get ugly? Would my husband find me ugly? What am I going to wear? Am I going to be able to endure the 9 months of such hormonal instability gracefully when having to deal with it a few days every month turns me into a time-bomb bitch ready to explode? Am I going to hate my husband's smell like some stories I've heard? Am I going to stay fat after the pregnancy? And then there's the childbirth itself. Natural labor, are you kidding me? This is someone who takes pain killer each month before I even get stomach cramps just so I don't have to feel it. If I did opt for Caesarian birth, I heard tending to the wound is hellish. Even giggling would cause great discomfort. And don't make me go into breastfeeding that's a whole another story. Would I actually have any idea on how to raise a child? I mean, I cut and bumped and bruised myself all the time from unfortunate miss of judgements, how can I make sure I don't hurt a child? Is now even the right time to raise a kid, I mean have you read the news, kids are being snatched off the streets all the time! Like just now, I forgot where I put my wallet, am I actually fit to be a mother? Are we going to be able to raise the kids in a comfortable life? How do one travel with little kids anyway, I mean can they actually go to Macchu Picchu, we haven't been to Macchu Picchu and I've always wanted to go to Macchu Picchu so bad! Would my in-laws and family hate me if we decided to wait a few years before having kids? If we did plan on waiting first, would God consider us ungrateful and not grant us any kids at all, like ever? What if we did have kids and it turned out we weren't ready? Would having kids change us into a different person?
All these rendered me paralyzed with fear sometimes.
But the thing is, despite all that chaos in my head, I have this feeling that one day I am going to be a mother. And I am going to relish the role. Just that the feeling seems to be quite a distance from now.
So if you are old enough to read this, if there are times when I am being difficult like mothers tend to be, you should know that I went against all of my own arguments to go through something I am most terrified of; childbirth and being a mother. Do know that I love you with such ferocious tenacity, rivaling that of the fiercest lioness of the savannah. So don't be too difficult on me and your father, please.
Lots of love,
15 September 2012
Searching for That Dream House
But in the end, who knows for sure if the market is going to continue this steady rise in the next 10 years? What if the market crashes tomorrow? Nobody can tell you the answer, even the most expert in the industry. Only God knows that.
Along the road, any empty vast space left are being developed into residential units. There's this double-storey resort homes, with its own private pool. Then there's this luxurious condominium, its starting selling price is RM1 million. It gets one wondering what comes with a unit with a shared roof and floor at that price tag. Deep burned curiosity alone is not enough to overcome the intimidation to actually enter the sales office and take a tour around the show unit.
An evening drive on that road if it's not congested makes you feel like you are on a holiday. Rain trees lined each side of the road. A sign board by the roadside across the road opposite the luxury condo caught our attention. It says: Helipad. Behind it an expansive area which we initially thought was a football field.
Wow. Just wow. Seriously, normal people need heli to move around these days? That's obnoxious but hey, if our Prime Minister gets to ride in one, whose to say no to other equally busy and mobile individual?
Fudhail joked that we could land our own heli there some time, albeit a battery-powered one. Yeah sure.
I'm not hating. Kalau la kita ditakdirkan sekaya itu, no telling what we might do. It could be worse. Maybe instead of a heli, it would be a heli fashioned to look like a unicorn. See. Told you it could be worse.
11 September 2012
Last weekend, Arief, the mystery creature who only appears to the naked eyes once in a while whenever it pleases, who also happens to be my brother, decided to follow us to the viewing of the houses, since he is going to be living with me. Most of the time.
After we are done for the day we decided to go for dinner together. Left alone just the two of us, Fudhail off somewhere, the following conversation took place.
"Tadi tengok kakak dengan Fudhail buat belanjawan bulanan lepas kahwin, rasa sedih."
"Awat? Sebab kami sengkek ka? Hahaha."
"Taklah, sebab cepat sangat rasanya. Tu yang adik lari masuk bilik tu."
'TT' wasn't a word, it was me crying. I cried in public. Got my mascara running down my eyes so that I look like a panda.
I told my mom and she said, "We're happy for you but we're both still adjusting."
As much as a weirdo my family is, our love for each other in undeniable.
06 September 2012
Wedding Planning
So I have made clear the two 'sacred' things I'm not willing to compromise on. These things, come hell or high water (sounds creepy since the wedding would be near 'kola' as Perlisians called it), shall be present on the day, unless they are not meant to be by the bigger force of Heaven :
1) Unicorn carriage. I'd settle for a horse (a white horse with a horn attached to its forehead).
2) Rainbow sponge cake
Not that too much to ask for eh?
Some other details that I'm fond of:
1) Floss candy
2) Foosball table - We first bonded over a game of this; by the way I won on our first date!
3) Smarties / colorful jellies
4) Printed balloons
5) Live band
6) Soap bubble and paper confetti
7) Slideshows of our baby photos/video on solemnization
Why not throw in some elephant and trapeze swingers, since it looks like you're having a circus not a wedding?
Well, it can be a carnival-themed wedding, like Britney's Circus album. I think I prolly should do an inspiration board, to show to Ibu and mother-in-law.
I would be nice to have a laid-back not-too-formal wedding where we and our favorite people can have a good time at.
So the progress so far? Mr Groom has completed his form, so it's my turn to do it before we could get a signature of the Tok Imam. I'll share the details in another post. Mana tau boleh buat rujukan masa hadapan.
Blood test. Oh man..susah gila nak buat kat area sini. 3 minggu prior kena buat appointment tau!
Photographer/videographer confirmed. Called the guy the other day (he's really cool btw), cakap nak tambah macam-macam daripada package asal, nak outdoor photoshoot 2 kali la, nak tambah lagi satu clip extra untuk tayang time wedding la, tapi still dapat harga yang sama yayy me!
Baju nikah dah beli! Beli yang biasa-biasa aja, nak meng-Vera-Wang tak mampu. Baju yang beli ni kaler putih, mode style, retro habis ah. Planning nak tambah beading sendiri nanti. Puiii macam la sempat. Baju pengantin lelakiku nak tempah weekend ni.
Rumah masih lagi menyopping. Yang susah sebab ada limited budget. Scratch that. Very limited budget. On top of that, memilih pulak tu. Yang apartment/rumah teres biasa-biasa takmau hehe. Tapi in all seriousness, we are looking for a well-maintained condos like the one I'm renting now because of the tight security since I would be living alone most of the time kan. Baru-baru ni ada kes perempuan kena kelar leher dekat apartment dekat-dekat sini! Scary, ya Allah minta dijauhkan! Kalau tak sebab memilih walhal budget limited, dah lama dah beli, banyak kot yang berkenan. Rumah dekat area Kota Damansara ni harga dah shoot through the roof dah, sebab dah confirm nak buat MRT. Oh man, kalau ada duit, it would be a very god investment to buy in this area.
Make-up artist dah janji dengan a good friend in Kulim nanti dia nak bawakkan jumpa officemate dia ada kedai.
Apa lagi? Lah. Baru tu ja. Banyak lagi ni tak siapppp! Hantaran belum beli! Ibu dah pesan jangan beli kasut, dia tak gemar nak kena letak atas dulang semua I can't understand the logic pfffft.
Off to work now, bye!
06 August 2012
The Wedding Planner
"Oh no, not again...you've been changing your--"
"I want to be a wedding planner! That's my calling, my true calling!"
"Babe, let's focus--"
"I've never felt so sure in my life about anything than this moment!"
"Well, you said that when you told me you wanted to run a resort by the beach---"
"This is different!"
"Why are you not being the supportive boyfriend, we are getting married in 4 months!"
"I think you should calm down, maybe it's just the adrenaline--"
"No! This is real, I know I'mma be awesome at it!"
Been changing my mind of what I want to be since I was a kid. Guess some things stay the same, huh?
29 July 2012
Part 5 : Quest of The Ring..and Others.
24 July 2012
Bridezilla Part 4 : Next Step
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What the venue looks like at night captured by the lens of a highly-skilled photographer. |
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What the venue looks like during sunset captured by the lens of a artistically-inclined photographer. |
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What the venue actually looks like through the naked eyes and captured by a shutter-click-happy newbie. |
Date and venue for the wedding confirmed so what's next on the list?
We chose to have it a month earlier for many reasons. Utmost important reason being, again, convenience for all the parties involved. Having it on the same day of the wedding would be a bit kelam kabut, having it on the weekend prior to the wedding would mean we both have to take almost 2 consecutive weeks of leave..
Hence we decided to have the solemnization on 10.11.12. Pretty neat date, huh? ;) Boleh ambil cuti sehari plus weekend untuk selesaikan semua urusan. Or maybe another extra 2 days of pre-honeymoon. Oops. Hehe.
Moving on. What you actually NEED to get married are :
1. Kursus kahwin
2. Sijil kursus kahwin
3. Surat akuan bujang
4. HIV, talasemia test
5. Borang kebenaran nikah
6. Salinan IC wali
7. Salinan IC dua orang saksi
8. Sijil nikah parents
9. Borang nikah dari Pejabat Agama
10. Jurunikah/Tok Kadi
These are actually the only things you need to be pronounced as husband and wife in God's eyes; the rest is just icing, frosting, fondant topped with sprinkles, sugar balls and chocolate sprinkles. Islam itu mudah. But I guess kalau tak menyulitkan keadaan, apa salahnya buat wedding untuk mewar-warkan ikatan yang sah tu dan juga meraikan pengantin, sesuai dengan kemampuan.
Lepas dah hadiri kursus kahwin, suruh si bakal suami ambil borang nikah dari Pejabat Agama, isi semua yang berkaitan, lepas tu suruh dia hand over semua documents untuk dilampirkan bersama borang yang telah diisi oleh si bakal isteri. Please take note, tak semua jurunikah mahu nikahkan dekat rumah, dan jurunikah ni kena book awal-awal jangan nanti nak berebut dengan Bridezilla lain pulak. But, the approved borang nikah is only valid for ONE MONTH for us ladies and THREE MONTHS for the guys. Jadi nak book awal sangat pon tak boleh jugak. Kena standby borang, cukup-cukup sebulan submit. But I do plan to call the Jurunikah 3 months in advance, who knows perhaps we can come to an agreement that the date can be reserved for us, even before any black and white is submitted.
Next up are
1. Photographer
I've been eyeing this very talented duo which happened to be my schoolmate during my SMK Sultanah Asma days. Asked for quote and the price is at a staggering range between RM2k to RM4k! Is that normal? I mean, I do respect people's talent and passion but that is quite pricey.. So that leaves me to square one and I'm gonna have to keep on searching.
2. Kain untuk baju akad nikah
The plan is to go shopping with the beau this weekend. We opted to go for the safe cream colour so we have to shop together because as you know, there's countless shades of whites available, off by 2-3 shade and it's going to look very odd.
3. Wedding dress
Kalau sempat nak pergi test baju sekali.
4. Cincin & hantaran.
Going browsing/shopping this week too. Lima dulang berbalas tujuh. Cincin dengan sirih junjung tu termasuk sekali dalam hantaran ka asing eh? Kalau sekali rugi la! Boleh tak cincin tu selit masuk di celahan daun sirih? Hmm..have to refer to Ibu and Mama Rohana.
5. Kad kahwin.
Have a few ideas running through my head now, have to finalize it with The Future Husband, materialize it somehow and discuss with The Mom and The In-Laws before going to the printer. or should we go to the printer first and ask them to materialize the ideas we have? Have to find out.
6. A house.
Utmost important thing is going shopping/window shopping for a house this weekend. Ibu is planning to take Maktok back to kampung pretty soon; Maktok's longing for a kampung life, come on, at the age of 70, jalan-jalan pusing The Curve, Putrajaya, Melaka, shopping complex lost its appeal soon enough in favor of the quiet, tranquil kampung life where everybody knows everybody.
The house I'm renting now is very comfortable in terms of the facilities, convenience and security it provides. The rent I'm paying now is however around 25-30% under market price, God bless the landlord who has not increased the rent for the last 5 years or so I believe. I should perhaps rent the house out at the current market price, and pocket the extra cash heh? If only.. Point is, if we decide to buy the house I'm staying now, at the current market price, the monthly payment would be 25-30% higher than what I'm actually paying.
Condos/landed houses around this area come with a price tag that makes mouths drop, eyes wide open, but there are some gems lay hidden if you are willing to look properly. I don't see the point of us paying a sum of money every month to repay someone else's loan. Money we worked hard for, money earned while being apart from each other.
So yeah. Definitely making a few appointments to have a look at the houses these weekends.
Gosh how I wish I have an extra 2 hours each day just to plan for these. Good thing is, with all these hecticness, the 4-5 months are going to fly by very fast!
15 minutes to berbuka! Selamat berbuka!
22 July 2012
Bridezilla Part 3 : Venue - Confirmed
By yesterday the venue was down to 3 choices; Timah Tasoh Lake, Putra Brasmana, and Dewan Warisan or 2020. The latter choice we didn`t have any contact so we proceeded wih the first two.
Mama Rohana said Timah Tasoh if she remembered correctly wasn`t so pricey so we went to have a look. The place evokes a romantic mood. The hall overlooks the tranquil lake, series of lush green hills acts as the perfect backdrop.
One minor downside is it`s about 15km from the city center. Second major one is Fasha Sandha. Given the recent exposure of the place thanks to her, the place is overglamorized now the price has shot through the
roof. RM18 per head PLUS you have to also take the wedding decoration package they offer which includes RM500 for wedding cake table, RM1500 for walkway, RM3500 for pelamin, RM1000 for meja pengantin. These are the areas you can cut corners on, areas where you can save a lot. I`d rather splurge on good food for the guests.
Next up is Ocean Glow, Putra Brasmana. First look and I fell in love. From afar you can see these white canopy arranged on a jetty extending out into the sea. I can imagine the scenery during sunset. Mesti romantik abessss. *dreams*
The person we talked to was super sweet. Looks like an easy person to have to work with. We can bring outside food too in addition of the ones that were prepared under the package. Personally I like to pay for a hall which includes food, meja kerusi semua. Senang. Less hassle for my inlaws and my mom since I won`t be able to handle everything.
This package which is at RM12 per head includes all that and more. Meja makan beradap pengantin, red carpet, PA system, semua pon termasuk. Ada 10% discount on the hotel room kalau sedara mara nak duduk. I think the price is fair enough. And the management is also ready to accommodate our other needs macam pelamin, extra food etc.
What sold me on the place is...ada horse carriage! Kalau ada kuda putih, nak letak horn bagi jadi unicorn! Maybe the excitement was all over my face that both families agreed on the venue. We booked it on the same day.
Venue: settled. Time to fuss over other fun details!
15 July 2012
Bridezilla : Part 2 : Venue
Or perhaps I shouldn't have came in to the office today, just so that my work would pile up just enough to drive the boss crazy and then I can complain about having to be sent off somewhere every alternating week without a laptop which renders me unable to do write-up on-site. But maybe, a laptop would just be a curse; the boss can just demand things to be sent on time. Arghh such is the dilemma.
So anyways. The boss asked if I still wanted to on on sampling. "You tak nak jage kecantikan ke babe?" referring to my impending wedding. Perhaps I'll stop somewhere in mid-October.
Back to the wedding plans. Got an SMS from girlfriend early this morning, hinting me on the promotion AirAsia will be carrying out starting tomorrow. She urged me to book fast. Appreciate her effort!
The thing is, the date is still up in the air to be decided. I'll be going back to Perlis this weekend, to discuss with mother-in-law-to-be about the date and the venue since we are having a double reception the reason being boyfriend can't afford to take too many day off, company kedekut cuti siot. AND since we share almost half mutual friends it would be kind of redundant and a waste to hold a wedding for more or less the same set of people back-to-back during the same weekend.
I know this could be a tricky path to thread in but Aunty Rohana doesn't seem like a cerewet mother-in-law so hopefully the planning and eveything will go well. How will this work? How about the color scheme; do we divide the hall into two separate sides with two themes??? Those are the things I've yet to find out.
One of the possible venue is the one by the lake. Tapi nak buat siang ka malam? Kalau siang baru nampak tasik, tapi panas nya tambah-tambah panas Perlis uishhh kalah panas padang pasir. Kalau malam buat outdoor tak nampak tasik pulak. Dilemma.
Last night, a girlfriend asked me to check out this other venue, facing the beach tapi seriously, beach kat Kuala Perlis? Bau kola, mood-killer kot. But I'll try to drop by the place when I go back to Perlis next weekend.
For the time being, am contemplating peach-cream with dark brown color scheme.
Things are moving slow...when do I get to try on the dream wedding dress??
14 July 2012
Bridezilla : Part 1
Even on the day of the merisik, me and my mom are still debating on the date of the wedding. She wasn't ready for it to take place so soon. During our road trip, I asked her if she resented my decision, on wanting to get married this year and she said she was shocked at first, but she respects my decision and now she's all giddy up planning the details of my wedding. She has even started to call up friends complaining on the immensity of things to be done; which I know she secretly enjoys.
Our engagement which was planned to take place next month might not happen; as of now, it is 90% confirmed that our engagement will not take place next month.
Seronoknya time merisik semangat declare nak kahwin secepat mungkin, bulan December 2012, but now, seems like there's a gazillion thing to be done and we are all hard-pressed on time. Duit pon tengah kumpul lagi ni. But come what may, we will try our best to braze this through together and have fun along the way. Dah alang-alang kan. Buat apa nak stress.
5 bulan. To plan a wedding. From scratch. Rasakan!!!!
Since time is running out, our E-day will be postponed to the day of the akad itself. Tak sempat la nak merasa jadi tunang orang, nak rasa darah lebih manis daripada biasa. Hihi.
Before we could go to the fun detail like the wedding dress (dah awal lagi dah ada, cuma nak pergi kedai tu balik and test pulak!), doorgift (dah jumpa possible candidate masa roadtrip pi Terengganu 2-3 hari lepas), backdrop, wedding theme, etc, there are a few things that need to be settled first :
1) Tetapkan date! 22.12.2012 seems to be no good to bakal suami tercinta. He'll be busy towards the end of the mnth which would mean we need to cut our honeymoon trip short. Alternative : 15.12.12. This might be it and when I found out this morning that it's the date my parents got married, oooo I'm in love with the date already!
2) Book dewan. December would be THE month to get married, right? So most dewan will be full-booked awal-awal lagi. So kena secure the date cepat-cepat.
3) Test darah. HIV and Talasemia. HIV test result will be valid 6 months before akad.
4) Kursus kahwin. Booked a slot already for us on 11-12th August.
5) Book ticket to earthly paradise! A friend booked her honeymoon package 1 year earlier and it saved her like RM1.5k.
6) Decide where to have the akad, and apply for the tok kadi etc. A friend will have her akad next month, and since she had moved to a different district than where the address of her IC dictates, the procedure she has to go through is a bit tedious. You have to declare why you are having your akad someplace else than in the district you applied your IC. Arghhh why do they have to come up with the rules that's such a hassle?? I'm sure there's a reason behind it but seriously, takkan la dia expect orang semua bermastautin tak berpindah randah dari tempat apply IC tu?? Hmm. Oh well since I can't beat the system, this is another important thing to do. It took months in some cases to clear this thing, and hopefully my friend got a clearance before her akad!
Once all that is done, baru la boleh nak fikir pasal lain-lain.
Things would have been perfect had I have all my other GMI girlfriends with me right now planning this wedding. Some of them are here, and I will definitely be bothering them to accompany me to various fitting/sampling/browsing, just you wait (wink wink Moon hint hint). But everyone elses' lives won't stop, the whole world won't pause, just so you could plan your wedding so yeah.
I guess this blog, which hopefully will be updated from time to time as the plan for the wedding progresses, is like a living documentary of the whole process, so that even though I can't have you my dearie friends with me for every step of the way, keeping you guys abreast (hate that phrase, seriously, hating it even more as I typed it!) of the entire process is like a way for me to deal with our distance, be it time or space.
So here comes bridezilla! =D
26 June 2012
Morning Glory
24 June 2012
01 June 2012
"The have a very clear yet simple sense of purpose in life."
"I envy them."
"Me too."
I'm easily excitable so the sight of these creatures are very engrossing. In fact I was pretty well behind of the group because I kept lingering with these cool bunch. They have an opening on their back, from which they secrete bubbles of air and this also I find fascinating. You see, the opening is not visible, not until they part half of their whole back open, and since their body is slushy, when they close this opening, it sticks together and you'll never know it's actually there. Ever saw the 90s horror movie called 'Blob'? Boo if you've never had. I think Blob might be inspired by this creature.
And the fun part was just about to begin. These sea hares, if you accidentally stepped on them, or nudged/poked/disturbed them, as a defense mechanism, they'll secrete a deep red/maroon-ish ink which I also don't know why. I thought it's the same mechanism as the octopus, to decoy or stunt their prey so that they could make a run for their life. But these guys, after secreting the conspicuous-colored ink they stay exactly at the same spot, motionless! Even if they make a run for it, I doubt they would go far. They are just selow. Haihhh. Which led me to thinking that perhaps the ink is poisonous. Upon googling later, I found out that they are not. --'' So it's just basically a dramatic act.
09 May 2012
Adrenaline Rush
And truth be told, it's kind of a breath of fresh air. To have the house alone for myself. And technically, adik, but he's rarely home when I'm home because his job's nocturnal so.
I like living with my mom. I can see her everyday. Save phone bill.
But let's face it. I'm 25 now. It's pretty suffocating sometimes having someone calling after you to bring a bottle of drinking water as you walk out the door, commenting on how messy your room is when you got home at 10pm at night WORKING, needing you to switch off the light everytime you go out of your room even for a short while!, calling you during meeting to make sure you find your way to the client's office.
I value my solitude. I like it. Even when I live alone back then some times I need a quiet time for myself. No other human company.
But if living together makes her happy, that's how it's gonna be.
In the meantime, let's enjoy this quiet, empty house. *breath deeply in and out* Hahhhh....
08 May 2012
SMS of Complain
Dear future husband,
Please take note that it is getting increasingly annoying not waking up beside you every morning.
Best regards,
Your future wife.
[SMS received on Tue, 2nd May 09:36 ]
Dear future wife,
Your complain has been noted. Please be patient while I'm trying to solve your problem.
At your service,
Your future husband.
[SMS sent on Tue, 2nd May 10:10 ]
Dear future husband,
Your effort is deeply appreciated. I love you.
Yours forever,
Your future wife.
09 April 2012
Drama Queen 6-Year-Old
Worried, she prodded further, "Sakit macam mana? Kena apa?"
"Sakit la, Chacha rasa rindu sangat kat Atiqka dengan Ibu Sham ni." Her name is Ariessa by the way and we all call her Chacha.
Awwwwww. I know, right?
My aunt called to tell us that moving story last week. I felt like driving straight to Kulim to see her! Luckily, this week, my uncle has something to do with work in KL so the little girl is coming for a visit, albeit a very short one and I'm so excited to see her. She'll be surprise once she sees that my car is not pink like I told her. Sorry. But this car'll take you anywhere you want, just name it.
She's arriving tonight and I've gotta go settle some issues first after work (about a project I'm very excited to tell about but I don't want to jinx it) and hopefully by the time I'm home, she's there already.
28 February 2012

24 February 2012
I remember my mother telling me how my father's mother was such a sweet and simple woman, she once declared that if my father's first child is a daughter, she would like it if she lives with her. This was a woman who never learned, or refused to learn, how to use a gas stove. Imagine what kind of a woman I would have became if she lived to see the day I was born. I would be perfect for Pencarian Gadis Melayu show!
Anyhow, it so happened that this morning, a colleague approached my table and asked me if I know anyone in this office originating from Melaka. She got this nice sort of like a mini encyclopedia on Melaka printed on thick glossy paper, the pages are all colored. She got it while attending a conference but since the book deals more on history and cultural heritage which does not have much to do with her project, she figures she should give it someone who would appreciate it better.
I can't really explain my feeling at that moment. I feel like I was being spoken to. Since the concept of life after death does not exist in our religion, so it was not possible that I was being spoken to by the spirit of my deceased father. Though the idea was a romantic one but I have to dismiss it although it would make just the perfect plot Ghost Whisperer had the show survived another season.
Maybe it was just pure coincidence and I told her my father was indeed from Melaka but I never got the chance to go there since by the I was born, there was nobody left at the kampung anymore. The later generation of my father's family just simply left after their predecessor died. Sure my father brought us a couple of times there but at that time it was just another fun family trip (naik kereta lembu and all); being young and unknowing, I never tried to look past that.
She simply said, well good, then I should give the book to my father for him to relive his childhood hometown and perhaps for me to re-trace my root and history.
I accepted the book with a warm feeling in my heart.
21 February 2012
20 February 2012
19 February 2012
Life and Death
06 February 2012
In For The Kill
Pindah Rumah
29 January 2012
House Hunting
16 January 2012
Paris : A Tribute
Stumbled upon the song by chance and it reminded me of one of the place I wouldn't mind visiting again and again. The city of love, Paris.

Source: bookshelves.tumblr.com via Avery on Pinterest
That ubiquitous landmark that you can't seem to escape if you're in Paris, the highest point in the city, "scraps of metal" some might say but it still is a sight to behold nevertheless, especially for the first timers, out of admiration, even out of disappointment for all the fuss is about..
Poxes and How To Become Smarter
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