14 July 2012

Bridezilla : Part 1

It's a Saturday. Just got back from road trip with my mom. Exhausted but the trip was worth every second spent. We had so much fun, learnt a lot about each other and made memories that will stay with us for as long as we breathe. She's a bit melodramatic though; I on the other hand am convinced that this will definitely not be the last trip we'll take together. Come on, I'm not marrying some psychotic control-freak who's trying to alienate me from you by relocating us to some isolated village in Indonesia. But yeah, I can understand where the sentiment comes from. In less than a year, I won't be ultimately hers anymore, she would have to officially share me with my husband.

Even on the day of the merisik, me and my mom are still debating on the date of the wedding. She wasn't ready for it to take place so soon. During our road trip, I asked her if she resented my decision, on wanting to get married this year and she said she was shocked at first, but she respects my decision and now she's all giddy up planning the details of my wedding. She has even started to call up friends complaining on the immensity of things to be done; which I know she secretly enjoys.

Our engagement which was planned to take place next month might not happen; as of now, it is 90% confirmed that our engagement will not take place next month.

Seronoknya time merisik semangat declare nak kahwin secepat mungkin, bulan December 2012, but now, seems like there's a gazillion thing to be done and we are all hard-pressed on time. Duit pon tengah kumpul lagi ni. But come what may, we will try our best to braze this through together and have fun along the way. Dah alang-alang kan. Buat apa nak stress.

5 bulan. To plan a wedding. From scratch. Rasakan!!!!

Since time is running out, our E-day will be postponed to the day of the akad itself. Tak sempat la nak merasa jadi tunang orang, nak rasa darah lebih manis daripada biasa. Hihi.

Before we could go to the fun detail like the wedding dress (dah awal lagi dah ada, cuma nak pergi kedai tu balik and test pulak!), doorgift (dah jumpa possible candidate masa roadtrip pi Terengganu 2-3 hari lepas), backdrop, wedding theme, etc, there are a few things that need to be settled first :

1) Tetapkan date! 22.12.2012 seems to be no good to bakal suami tercinta. He'll be busy towards the end of the mnth which would mean we need to cut our honeymoon trip short. Alternative : 15.12.12. This might be it and when I found out this morning that it's the date my parents got married, oooo I'm in love with the date already!

2) Book dewan. December would be THE month to get married, right? So most dewan will be full-booked awal-awal lagi. So kena secure the date cepat-cepat.

3) Test darah. HIV and Talasemia. HIV test result will be valid 6 months before akad.

4) Kursus kahwin. Booked a slot already for us on 11-12th August.

5) Book ticket to earthly paradise! A friend booked her honeymoon package 1 year earlier and it saved her like RM1.5k.

6) Decide where to have the akad, and apply for the tok kadi etc. A friend will have her akad next month, and since she had moved to a different district than where the address of her IC dictates, the procedure she has to go through is a bit tedious. You have to declare why you are having your akad someplace else than in the district you applied your IC. Arghhh why do they have to come up with the rules that's such a hassle?? I'm sure there's a reason behind it but seriously, takkan la dia expect orang semua bermastautin tak berpindah randah dari tempat apply IC tu?? Hmm. Oh well since I can't beat the system, this is another important thing to do. It took months in some cases to clear this thing, and hopefully my friend got a clearance before her akad!

Once all that is done, baru la boleh nak fikir pasal lain-lain.

Things would have been perfect had I have all my other GMI girlfriends with me right now planning this wedding. Some of them are here, and I will definitely be bothering them to accompany me to various fitting/sampling/browsing, just you wait (wink wink Moon hint hint). But everyone elses' lives won't stop, the whole world won't pause, just so you could plan your wedding so yeah.

I guess this blog, which hopefully will be updated from time to time as the plan for the wedding progresses, is like a living documentary of the whole process, so that even though I can't have you my dearie friends with me for every step of the way, keeping you guys abreast (hate that phrase, seriously, hating it even more as I typed it!) of the entire process is like a way for me to deal with our distance, be it time or space.

So here comes bridezilla! =D


arifahyms said...

yay. can't wait for updates^^

Feezah Hanimoon said...

haha...tang part best tu baru aku join. hat yang renyah2 ni ang setel dulu. gagagagaga. x pa..demi kawan, contact aku if u need extra boobies. hehe.

Asma Azizan said...
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Asma Azizan said...

update2 selalu ye... kami yang jauh ni hanya mampu mendengar cerita. tak dapat nak join.