20 February 2012

Tadi sembang kedai kopi kat kedai mamak.

Siapa yang hisap rokok masing-masing keluarkan sebatang rokok, ketuk-ketuk kat tapak tangan, sebelum light up.

Siapa yang tak smoke pulak, kunyah keropok kacang yang namanya tak dapat nak recall lagi dah. Tapi asal dari indon katanya.

Sembang punya sembang termasuk la topik yang agak deep sedikit.

"Comparison is the death of joy." Itu topik perbualan.

Seorang project engineer di tempat aku bekerja tu berkongsi tentang tabiat dalam tidak sedarnya yang suka mengikut perkembangan rakan-rakan lalu menjadikan mereka sebagai kayu ukur pencapaian sendiri. Biasala tu. Siapa tak buat kan.

It might serve as a positive kind of pressure which pushes us to outperform them and in the end outperform ourselves. But during the process, we would loose sight of the here and now, of what we have achieved so far, of the importance of having fun along the journey. We undermine our abilities and spirits with such negative thoughts and the sinking feeling that we are left behind in the race that does not exist, except in our insecure mind.

Fear is irrational. We're all gonna die so we might as well just go big. What's the point of winning the non-existence race? We're all gonna die and turn into dust and bones and all that won't matter.

This is my tired mind speaking. I'm off to sleep.

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