29 January 2011

Will It Make Us Go Blind?

Really? Your choice of handbag tells a little bit of who you are?

Article here.

If it were up to me, and if I have more to spend, I'd have each and every type of handbag mentioned in the article. Except for the ubiquitous Longchamp's.

I think they are ugly and annoying. Sorry if you like it, or plan to buy it, or better still, own one. That's just my personal opinion. And I'm sticking with 'they're ugly.' Just like crocs.


I'm 23-years-old going 24. Tell me why I should cram my head for exams again ?

Oh I forgot.

Because I simply love doing this. I love studying for exams.

Last two days I was studying about landfills, and yellowish grey activated sludge and sewage plant. Well, that was fun.

Today and tomorrow, it'll be all about combustion and ignition.

If they had inserted a sub-topic on spontaneous human combustion, this would be far more interesting.

Aren't the photos the cutest thing ever? Wedding photographers kat Malaysia, cepat plagiat. Mesti ramai orang nak hire.


Ok time's up. Back to you-know-what.

1 comment:

Asma Azizan said...

ape article tu. x best btol cara dia describe. oh maybe bkn utk org yg x baca magazines.. haha

aku lagi rajin baja pasal activated slugde berkali2 daripada baca pasal combustion. susah nk ingat system dia.. drehrohr la ape la.. nasib baik dah lepas. baik jera rajin2 baca buku. viel erfolg!