20 December 2010


Setiap kali tengok Survivor, bila favourite contestant kena vote off, ataupun tak menang sejuta, Encik Boyfriend yang penyabar mesti jadi mangsa mendengar keluhan hati. Yes, I still watch Survivor. It's the ultimate reality TV show y'all, no other show can compete! The Mole comes in second.

I suppose he was getting tired hearing me complaining about the collective stupidity of the survivor contestants for always NOT handing the 1 million bucks to my favourite contestant. He said, "Maybe you should stop picking a favourite contestant. Maybe only then, he/she'll win."


But look at what just happened today. Fabio wins! He wins the million dollar! Take that, Encik Fudye! Someone I picked actually win! (I screamed when they announced him as the winner, dah la tengah makan time tu, nasib baik Tash tak tersedak)

OKla, technically, he wasn't my favourite from the beginning. Had a hard time picking my favourite this season. Either they are bitchy/assholic, or downright boring. Awal-awal Fabio tu mengingatkan aku kat character Ashton Kutcher dalam Dude Where's My Car. All brawn and beauty but no brains. Sikit-sikit "Sup dude?" Nama sebenar dia Jud, tapi orang nicknamed dia Fabio sebab dia dumb blonde, male version 2.0. And the name stuck.

Then suddenly. When his life is on the line because all of his alliances have been voted off, he stepped up his game, winning three challenges in a row. Dah la dia terer puzzles. Guys yang tak nampak skema tapi terer puzzle, dapat extra coolness point in my book. But heh. Takdak gunanya semua itu. Encik Boyfriend jugak pujaan hati.

Hmm I think I could go quite far in Survivor... Hehe. No, really. I'm not too annoying (I think) to make people want to vote me off on the first day, I can be quite competitive in physical challenges so my tribe members would want to keep me around, I'm pretty sure nobody will look at me as a threat, and I am good at puzzles! Though my willingness to trust people rather easily could become my Achilles's heels. Malaysia, come on, make your own Survivor show! Enough with the singing reality craps already.

But..on second thought. I love indoor toilets. With running, clean, tap water. And I love brushing my teeth. And food! And comfortable bed. Oh yeah I really do love them all. SIGH.

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