07 December 2010

All You Dreamers

It's the beginning of year 1432. Salam Maal Hijrah to all of you.

I'm not big on resolutions because I think it's overrated. Because everyone does it though they do not really intend to keep it. Most of the time, the resolution withers within the first month, or worst, a mere week. People do it for the sake of welcoming the unfolding of another 365 days, alongside with watching the fireworks. There's no novelty in it. If something is really worth doing, why wait for the 1st of every year to start doing it? Why not start right away?

But this year's new year is different. It inadvertently coincides with a lot of important milestone in my life that calls for putting things into proper perspective. I don't really like the word resolution, because it seems to be lacking of commitment. I prefer to call it a pledge.

There are 7 pledges on my list for this year, but sorry for not being able to share it here as they are too revealing. Yeah I'm shy like that.

So any pledge you want to make? Any dreams you want to realize?

I hope you get there soon.

For all you dreamers and idealists, even realists, this song is for you.

Hey there dreamers,
I know you feel alone,
Way out there out there screaming,
You got no proof to take back home.

Hey there screamers,
I know you'll get this done,
Way out there out there screaming,
Well you can't hear anyone.

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