21 December 2010

Crazy Bookshelves Idea

What's the most important part to think of when planning your dream house?

Mine, apart from the fact that it must have a swimming pool with a waterfall at the end of it so that I can swim to the sound of cascading water. And the fact that it must have a mini farm with herbs' garden and baby goats and chickens. Maybe a zebra and a unicorn too.

No, seriously.

Equally important is a wacky bookshelf to store my endless reading material. Kalau rumah dah ada air terjun dengan unicorn, maknanya I can afford spending all my time just getting drunk on books and swimming and sewing and tending the gardens. Indahnya dunia kalau macam tu. SIGH.

Tapi kalau agak lambat lagi nak tunggu dapat unicorn dengan air terjun, jadi bolehlah kita focus kat wacky bookshelf dulu.

Here's a few to-die-for ideas:

Bestnya ada chaos sebegini dalam living room. Boleh susun shot glasses collection yang kumpul masa travel (shot glass ja yang paling murah nak beli pon since I don't like fridge magnets). Boleh letak segala macam 'karya-karya' modular origami models jugak. Tapi jenuh jugaklah nak buang sawang dengan taik cicak nanti. Hmm kat sini takdak cicak dengan labah-labah.
This is uber coolness!
Ini pon awesome jugak! Susun sikit-sikit ja pastu lempaq ja kat bawah tu. Nampak artistic.

But then, I found this :

This is THE ONE! Senang ja nak buat :

To shelve all the novels in my collection, that'll be some work, but it'll definitely be worth it.

1 comment:

huda said...

bestnya ada rak buku besar2 kat umah...