24 October 2010

Wedding Bells...NOT (yet)

Okay hate me for this post. But I just have to.

Was listening to Tash discussing her brother's wedding with her mother and it was me who got pretty pumped up for my very own quite in-a-distant wedding. A girl should be prepared for anything huh? Hehe.

I was set on pink and silver when I remember all about my sunflower. How would it fit into the colour scheme? And it sent me into a minor panic attack. Boyfriend recommended orange and silver instead. Orange? Really?

On second thought I was like, why not? Seen so many fairytale weddings in pink already.

Scoured the internet for some inspirations and I think now I'm all inspired. Even too inspired for my own good. Haha. Slow down lady. Degree pon tak dapat lagi.

But no harm in dreaming right? ;)

He's gonna look so yummy in a silver suit with a tinge of orange for the tie. ;)

I love the vintage feel of the pictures above. I think the orange hue serves the beautifully-rusty vibe to the whole mood.
Lots of silver + orange balloons. Kids will love them. But then again, there'll be lots of popping sound I bet. Sungguh rosak imej kalau pengantin perempuan terkejut pastu tersedak time makan.

The flower and the dress. Weee.

And I wonder, in our culture, why do we tend to invite almost every single person on the planet that each single family member knows to the wedding? 'Friends' from kindergarten? Long-lost tiga/empat/lima-pupu? If it's up to me, I only want the person that really matter and actually care that I got married to be present on my wedding. Plus, boleh save on cost and splurge on other thing. Like a honeymoon to some exotic island. Hehe.


bby said...

told ya rite..orange gonna look nice with ur sunflower..:)
xlama da kn..
on that day im sure u gonna b the most beautiful gurl i ever see..

jera said...

baby i heart you! kumpul duit cpt2 tau ;)

pech said...

tujuan ramai dijemput, untuk bgtau seramai mungkin, yang dah sah. walimah mmg digalakkan jemput ramai. supaya nanti kalau ada org nampak, takkan kata apa dah. "eh anak makcik eton tu dh kawin ka, dok pegang sana sini"