29 October 2010

Fatty Issue

Conversation revolving around a picture posted by someone on FB whose existence might or might not be be real, thus rendering this conversation in a limbo of its authenticity:

A : Chanteknya U! Skinny summore. I dah gemok sekarang. *sadface*
B : Kurus? Mane ade. I gummox. U pon kurus pe.
A : Takkkk! U kurus lagi! I yg gem.
B : Nooooo! U're skinnier. And prettier.
A : No way! I makan like all the time okay. I obese. U're def skinnier. *jealous mode*
B : U makan je bnyk tp tak gemok2 pon, tak macam I. Mcm belon skrg. =(
Me : OK FINEEE! You're both FAT eventho you're actually just fine. Happy now???

Note to self : Ranting about getting fat or being fat in public medium (read : FB) is somewhat annoying.

1 comment:

hawe said...

situation yg hg mention tu amat sgt la annoying pls.
whats wrong with being fat when u're happy?baju cukup,mkn cukup,paktoh ade.nk bising pe lg kn?so long xmenyusahkn org n xde penyakit,i choose my happiness kot.
fine aku xgemok sng la ckp tp mcm la org kurus xde issue.nk beli bj bagai ssh xde size.blum lg org gemok pki bj kecik gak.tu diaa persaingan.T_T
beauty-conscious is fine selagi xover.