23 October 2010

Islamic Fashion Festival 2010

My take on the collections from the Islamic Fashion Festival 2010 held in Monte Carlo (too lazy to post up pictures, if you're curious a 3-second search on google will get you there) :

Apart from the one that has the name of our Prophet p.b.u.h printed on the model's chest (one does wonder how not a single person notices that piece sticking out like a sore thumb backstage and pull the model out before she gets off on the runway), I personally don't have anything against it. The models are not hijab-wearers anyway. Sure most of them are not purely islamic, meaning that for those who wear the hijabs, the pieces from the collection are not pret-a-porter (ready-to-wear) per se. But ask any covered fashionistas (read : Hana Tajima, Yuna) out there, almost any style from the runway can be tweaked here and there to make it work. Fashion is all about expressing yourself, a little bit of creativity and a whole lot of points for fun. Why so serious?

But of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

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