06 October 2010


Wah Malaysia ada tempat se-awesome ni! That's Pulau Layang-layang in Sabah.

Notice the curious shape. It most definitely doesn't look like a normal island. Made up of corals forming a ring shape, this type of island is more accurately referred as an 'atoll'. Yup, the island is formed entirely by corals. God IS grand, kan?

The list of marine species residing here is impressive. You name it, you got it.

If your idea of adventure is swimming with a giant school of sharks, then what this island has to offer is definitely right down your alley. Imagine swimming with this number of hammerheads! I want I want! Though from experience, given that the mere sight of a single black-tip reef shark has caused me a panic attack, the scenario above would probably make me sh*t my pants.

This will definitely go straight to my list of must-visit islands.

*Today's lesson : Laughing so hard for hours can cause you to get sore throats.*

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