16 September 2011

Merci Beaucoup

Am back in the room. So sad. Half an hour prior to me sitting in from of my laptop writing this, I was out the door, wanting to continue my writing in the park because today is such a beautiful sunny day with no dark clouds looming somewhere in the horizon like an evil dragon just waiting to spring on you with rain and thunder. I decided to stop at a shop to grab some iced coffee and bread in case I get hungry while in the park which is very likely especially when doing activity involving lots of brain cells in the frontal lobe. Anyways.

I was quarter of the way that I realized it was a mistake when my nose started to get runny and my head was on the brink of minor brain freeze. My sweater apparently wasn't thick enough for the weather. I was tricked by the sun. If I stayed outside I would surely got a serious case of headache by the end of the day. What to do. I'm a tropical girl through and through.

Ok I got sidetracked. So I was back in the room going through several blogs before continuing with my work.

A friend wrote something that I couldn't agree more with.

Sometimes, when a friend is going through a rough patch in his/her life, and he/she needs a pair of ears to listen to his/her worries and all, the best thing is just to listen and the worst thing would be to pretend or to try to understand what he/she is feeling. Even if it is out of your best intention to relate to his.her story. Because you can never, never, understand exactly what the friend is going through because you haven't walked 1000 miles in his/her shoes.

Fictional case of point 1 :

Your friend was telling you about how his brother accidentally plunged down 43-storey down a building to his death and your best comeback is, "I know exactly how you feel, it totally felt like the time my cat jumped out of a 5-storey building. So sad. Oh but the cat didn't die though."

Or something like that.

The only reason the person didn't scream in your face is the incredulity of your statement. You don't know how that person feel so don't say something like that. Cat/dog-lovers, don't take offense. It's just that non-cat/dog-lovers can't fully comprehend the relationship a human can have with their pets.

Doesn't mean that you can't be a good friend by not being able to relate to the situation and say all the right things. Sometimes to shut up and listen is all you have to do.

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