22 September 2011

Lil' Bro.

Just got off the phone with my brother. He sounds somewhat different now.

Older. Mature. Qualities which are not bad at all.

He seems to be handling things pretty well, considering how less than a year prior to this he was the main source of major headaches for my mother. And me. Now he speaks of his future with such conviction that convinces us more to trust him. He carries that air of self-assurance in his voice that makes me want to cry. I feel like, perhaps, he doesn't need me anymore.

My lil' baby is gone sob sob.


Feezah Hanimoon said...

mine still here. and still give a headache. just recently we had a fight and he broke a mirror. hahaha. but last night i had a bad dream that he died. after i woke up, i promised not to have a fight anymore.

jera said...

tu la weh. kalau gaduh ka terkasar bahasa ka, make sure jgn membawa ke keesokan harinya kn.

tadi sblm nk letak tepon, adik aku ckp, "mintak maap na akak." aku mcm terkedu. dan risau pikiq bukan2. bila aku tanya awat, dia cakap awat salah ka nak mintak maap. tu yg rs nk menangis tu.