29 June 2011

Friends With Benefit.

I'm quite a crappy friend, in terms of so liat to catch up through the phones and the internet (nothing beats face time), but I've noticed that I've been especially crappier this year. I forgot a good friend's birthday this year just because that friend is not on Facebook anymore and there's no reminder on the top right corner to prompt me, even though mine doesn't went forgotten.

Seeing some familiar names on my wall today, wishing me well for my birthday, names with memories that make me smile attached to them, I realize that I should not let these people slip away. Lucky for me, I got some pretty low maintenance friends, ones that allow us to pick up where we left, no matter how long that might have been. I miss them. =( (Moon, you know I'm talking to you!)

I'll take care of these relationships soon. First I need to get my ish together. Hopefully by then, they'll still be there.

But this right here, this, completed my day. I can go to sleep now.

Like she pointed out, I rarely share intimate details of my life with people, even close friends, but this awesome dudette is among the ones that I would go to whenever there's things that need to be told. Sometimes when the issue at hand gets too tough and opening up gets too hard, she'll be the one finding me and I'll be spilling everything out to her in no time. Yeah, she's awesome liddat. =)


Feezah Hanimoon said...

aku baca-baca, tetiba tertancap nama aku. then reaksi aku, "eh, apa aku baca tadi? baca balik dari awal lah". hehe >.<

jera said...

hahaha cmtu nnt pasni aku nk randomly letak hg punya nama tgh2 ayat la, bg hg bc ulang blk bg phm dr awal. LOL. weh hg dah tak menghapdet blog.

Hawe said...

wahh am awesome liddat ah??! hahaha! terharu wei. thanks! xx