09 March 2011


Just like any other day for the last two weeks, I woke up pretty early, a heavenly warm caffein all set on the table, just waiting for the sun to drop a bucket got a bucket got a bucket full of sunshine on me, ready to start a day of, at times excruciating, cramming of facts and infos into my head.

As usual, the regime will start of with a couple of sudokus or kakuros or addokus, whatever that suits my fancy that day, to sort of jumpstart the part of my brain that will be needed for the ret of the day.

Today I feel like doing kakuros.

Turns out, I ran out of kakuros. I've used up the last ones yesterday, to calm my nerves before going to take my exams. And even that was actually junks, ones that I threw away unfinished because I've made mistakes on them. Yes, desperation made me collect them from my room's trash bin. Thank God all I ever threw inside the bin was paper.

Today, I was ready to print out brand new of sudokus from krazydad.com but. Lo and behold, I've forgotten that I've ran out of ink on my printer.

The warm caffein on the table was getting colder and I was scrambling to get my daily sudoku fix. I tried adjusting the color quality option on the printer, so that it'll come out more bluish or reddish yellowish, I don't care, as long as I can make out the boxes and numbers but to no avail.

To copy them out on a piece of paper would be too much of a work. And stupid since it'll take twice, even three times as longer to copy them than to actually finish them.

But I did it anyway.

The state I was in, man I was restless. It's like, I have to have those kakuros. No matter what it takes. I was like a monster.

Halfway through copying the first puzzle, I remember that I might have some leftover kakuros in a book I've stacked away among my old magazines. That's another thing I'm addicted to; glossy magazines. So you can imagine how many stacks we are talking about here. Enough to crash the skull of an adult human being if thrown at once from a three-storey buildings.

I went through the stacks, and walla! found three books with some leftovers in it. Sure I have to use a liquid paper on them to make them new but well, better than having to copy them down.

It's official. I'm addicted.

Thank God it's just to silly puzzles.

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