21 April 2011

Vanity Might Freeze Your Muscle.

If I need to go to the bathroom during my gym session, instead of using the one in the changing room, I'll opt to walk a little and use the one situated in the lounge area.

My logic? The toilet in the lounge is mainly used by visitors which is less than the actual members of the gym. So there are naturally less people crowding the toilet (hence the mirror), and the ambience there is nicer too, what with the luxurious interior, the lighting and the music. Besides, the toilet at the changing room is mainly used by the members of the gym AFTER their work-out sessions. The thought of that many sweaty asses that have been there on the seat where I'll put mine...needless to say, I prefer the toilet in the lounge area better.

Yesterday while going in to readjust my tudung before the workout session starts, I saw another regular gym member already in there, in front the mirror. I smiled and we said 'hi'. I instantly recognized her as being this lady who wears a full make-up to each work-out session, without fail. I mean the whole deal; eyebrow liner, blusher, heavy mascara and bright red lipstick.

And yes, as I've guessed, she was applying her make-up in front of the mirror. It made me think of the whole thing, of us women and how caught up we might be sometimes with our vanity. As of late, I'm getting more comfortable with wearing make-up. I've learned to cover my under-eye circles and lending my cheeks a glow with a tint (the intensity depends on my mood) of blusher, highlighting my nose bridge, applying the mascara so as to make it looks like I've got double eyelashes like Elizabeth Taylor's, lipstick etc. Now I find it quite hard to leave the house without at least putting some concealer on my eye-bags and some mascara.

I have an aunt who won't leave her room without wearing foundation all over her face and drawing her eyebrows first. She basically walks around her house with make-up! Even for a quick teh tarik session, she'll do the whole deal first.

Seriously, I don't want to get too comfortable wearing this facade. Make-ups can only hide and emphasize so much. I know it sounds particularly cliche and I find it especially annoying when some gorgeous celebrities that might have gone under the knife and got her nose or something else tweaked say, "What matters the most is what on the inside yada yada yada" but I think it's very true.

There's only so much one can hide under the exterior. You gotta make peace with what's on the inside or you'll never be satisfied with what you see on your outside no matter how much make-up you put on.

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