14 April 2011


Watched a documentary on cannibalism in Papua New Guinea. They stop practicing it around half a decade ago after Christian missionaries came and preached the words of God to them. What I find astounding is that, these missionaries, despite knowing perfectly well that at that time cannibalism was still roaming the ground, decided to stay among the tribes, so that they could be easily approachable by the members of the tribes who wanted to learn more about the Christian faith. I have nothing but respect to that.

Apparently the last men who used to eat human flesh is still alive. At first, the anthropologist was careful about going about the subject of cannibalism, for he was worried the subject might be considered taboo among the members of the tribe. But no. They were pretty candid about the whole thing. One person led to another and in the end, a group of survivors were sitting around, reminiscing about the good old days when they cut people up and eat them. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they don't practice it anymore, but I don't expect one to smile when they talk about such subject. Maybe to them it was just another ancient culture, that they were caught up in back then, and now it was time to move on. Nothing to be ashamed of.

An older man amongst them told the narrator, it wasn't about hunting people down for food, like what we have been served with in cannibal horror movies. It was either because of suspicion of witchcraft or an act of revenge, for instance, an infidel wife, or unresolved fights between groups among the tribe. Meat was scarce. So they figured, why waste the body that they will have to dispose of anyway. Hence the cannibalism.

When asked how does human flesh cut and taste like, they all nodded knowingly in agreement, "Just like pigs."

HAHAHA. Orwell is really on to something in Animal Farm.

Maybe that's another reason we Muslims are not allowed toe at pigs. It would be like eating one of ourselves. Just a maybe. Who knows, kan.

1 comment:

Feezah Hanimoon said...

kawan siam aku kata pigs taste like chickens. even tastier than chickens. then ada jugak rumors kata the best meat is human flesh. ntah la labu~