08 October 2011

Less than two weeks until submission and my professor still hasn't read my thesis.

Well he did. Kinda. He merely glanced through it for less than a minute, told me everything looks kinda in order and that I should continue what I'm doing so far.

Somehow yesterday, when I decided to proof-read, everything, and I mean everything seems to look out of place. I felt like tearing everything apart and starting anew. Which is pretty stupid considering how much time I've got left, glad that I didn't follow through with the idea. I freaked out, didn't know where to start, and decided to kill the time by packing some stuff before going to bed early.

Woke up early this morning, immediately started working on it and now it's noon already, my stomach's a-grumbling but I still hasn't gotten far from where I started hours ago. Doesn't help that I kept comparing my work to the guidelines for master's thesis I found on the web but I can't hardly find anything as thorough on bachelor's thesis. Adakah macam lab report sahaja?

Now is a good time to freak out.


Feezah Hanimoon said...

jera...aku kan selalu cuak tak tentu pasal. dah la bila cuak tu rasa semua tak kena, nk tidoq pon tak lelap. tp in te end, everything will be just fine. pstu aku menyesal sebab cuak berlebihan yang menggunakan seluruh tenaga kehidupan tu. jadi aku rasa kes ang pon sama jugak. asalkan ang ada usaha untuk buat benda tu, siapkan then antar. chayok2!!

Hawe said...

i don't know la bout your fh but as of mine u could borrow a hardcopy thesis from the library for a month ONLY. as a ref. try la check it out. hope this helps. :)

come on. dh nk blk. and nk kawen taun dpn kot. lesen tunang pn dh disua-suakn. ape lg motivation yg hg nk? hope this helps too. ;)

bby said...

haii..cpt btoi crita tersebaq..:)