23 September 2010

Wish List 1

Boyfriend, remember how I went on and on about wanting to wear a jumpsuit but not sure how while looking longingly at the gorgeous floral jumpsuit on the mannequin behind the display window? Well, here's Hana Tajima showing how :

Brilliant ain't it? Since winter has arrived (it has, for all I care, judging by the shivers I get whenever I step out of the house), I'll save this look for next summer!

In the meantime, I'm just in total awe for this :

Beyootiful. Thanks to stunning lady at Cameron Highlands who wore the classic black Doc Martens boots with girly summer dress. You've inspired me. Problem is, mahai nya boots ni! It sells at almost 200 Euros on e-bay, wth?? So it's gotta have to wait for a while..


bby said...

doc-mart 2 awesome..nk jd skin plak ka..hehe

pech said...

hana tajima pakai kelambu pon nmpk fesyen

jera said...

bby : doc martens are not for skinheads only anymore darl, it's for everyone, bieberheads pon boleh!

pech : ....buzzkill. shuh2