28 September 2010

I Love Vampires and Miley Cyrus

Today, after the eventful (read : disastrous) first paper (I can vividly picture it being flushed down the toilet bowl the moment I saw the first question...I guess a mere week of barely studying stuff I have never laid a finger on for the past five months, while recovering from jet-lag and familiarity won't add up to much) I went home with a heavy feeling and shoulder. The latter being the amount of books I borrowed from the library to study for the next papers. What did father always say about last-minute study? Sigh. Sorry dad, sometimes God has different plans for me.

I was glad that I didn't have to braze the tram during peak hour, the time when kids got out from school. It means having to put up with boisterous kids pushing around to get onto the train. Sometimes it is fun to watch them kids goofing around. Sometimes I just don't feel like it. Like today.

I was daydreaming about my first sewing project ever while walking to the kebab kiosk to get my lunch when a man old enough to be my grandfather stopped me in my track. He said, "Gymnasium, ist schon zum Pause? (Translated : Is it lunch break already at (high) school?)"

It took me some time to pull myself out of my reverie and to understand what he was asking before answering with an amused smile, "Entschuldigung, das weiss ich nicht, bin nicht eine Schuelerin.. (Translated : Sorry, I don't know, I'm not a high-schooler..)"

The point is, saya awet muda haha!

Sekian ceritera untuk hari ini. Have to get back to study ;)


Asma Azizan said...

kekerapan hang menulis blog membuatkan aku risau akan nasib aku biler aku balik doshland balik nanti

jera said...

it's a distraction drpd study utk exams.. awt hg risau hg dh abis papers what? ;)

Asma Azizan said...

aku risau akan kebosanan dan ke'lonely'an yg bakan menjelma. haha

jera said...

oh in my case, perasaan tu blom dtg lg. yg tu tunggu winter. somehow the cold and the greyness of it all amplify the absence.