23 August 2010

Which Reality Do You Prefer?

"No. No no this can't be true!" my mom exclaimed, her hand covering her gaping mouth out of disbelief. "I couldn't have lost that much weight! 4 kilos in less than two weeks!"

Her eyes were glued to the numbers on the screen of the weighing scale, not quite believing what she was seeing, yet not wanting the scale to be wrong either. We were both using the scale at a pharmacy as we unanimously decided that a scale at home is not healthy for our peace of mind.

"Really? Let me try let me try let me try," I said, eager to get on the scale to see what ridiculous number it will churn out for me. Maybe it will tell me that I weigh as much as I was 10 years back. Haha that'd be funny.

"No. No no no no this machine HAS to be correct!" I declared, with utmost conviction. "It's telling me that I've lost 2 kilos. If this machine cheats by 4 kilos like you said, that means I've put on 2 kilos since puasa. So this machine BETTER BE RELIABLE."

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with you being right this time," my mom agreed, and we both walked away from the pharmacy that evening, being satisfied.

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