Now I get what's the big deal with Justin Bieber. It might have taken me longer than other females, ranging from 3 year-old-Barbie-dolls-crazed child to 55-year-old-grandma with sagging skin on her upper arms, to get swept away by the Bieber Fever but I've figured it out. Finally.
It's his hair.
It's that dirty blonde mop on top of his head! It's just so....cute.
(While I am writing this, and I swear it's not a lie, a commercial popped on the TV screen, featuring that babyface known across the world, crooning that infamous earworm of 'baby baby baby ooooh' that you occasionally caught yourself humming along to, even though you thought you were indifferent to the Bieber Fever but no mister, you are wrong, apparently you are not spared from the epidemic, just like the rest of us.)
It just dawned on me in the most profound way one day, as I was sitting around, contemplating on the future of mankind, and other serious stuff, when Bieber's 'inyminymynimolover' song found it's way to the back of my head and continued to play over and over without my consent. It got me to thinking, that if a 16-year-old-boy could get away with that haircut looking pretty, like a cheeky yet innocent 13-year-old pre-pubescent girl, an early 20s like me who refuses to grow up past 16 can surely pull off the Bieber look with ease, being a girl to start with.
So off to the hair salon. Did a little Bieber dance and the hairstylist understood right away what I was after. Chop snip chop snip snip. It took her about half an hour, as she carefully perfected the slopes and the angles of the bob.
The result? I LOVE IT. I love it so much I screamed in the chair once I saw the final result in the mirror in front of me, that got other customers alarmed and ready to leave as they thought the hairdresser accidentally cut my ear off. When they saw that it was just me really happy with my haircut, their attention turned back to the magazine in their lap.
Numero uno reason to like it : I feel 3 kilos lighter. Really. Screw fad diets that never work other than messing up with your metabolism.
Second of all, it takes off 10 years of my age. I look 13! It's a great thing since I always end up,unintentionally, doing stupid things, that only an oblivious pre-adolescent who doesn't know better can pull off without inviting weird looks from onlookers that seem to whisper 'is she retarded or something?'. The next time I spill my drinks/sauce while tripping over nothing in a fast food restaurant, I can go like, "Cut me some slack I have Bieber hair!" Or when someone mentions about a significant event in world history that I don't know of, I can just shrug and point to my Bieber hair.
Third, it doesn't require much attention to look like how it's suppose to. I swear, all I ever need to do after shower is just dry it with towel and let it be. That's all it need; just let it be. Once the hair dries, I just need to comb it with my fingers, 3 to 4 strokes are enough. If I need to prep it up, all I need to do is shake my head and it'll look like a pretty mess, specifically meant to look that way by a hair designer.
There. I've proven myself, I'm not a Bieber hater.
Something good did come out of the whole Bieber-craze after all.
"quote" is she retarded or something "unquote"
//end of comment
woii featured blogger. mana bleh comment pastu delete. nubnia.
boleh la! aku kan pro
pic or didnt happen!!
pic serves to prove what you can't convince. i think i sounded pretty convincing already, no need for pic la ;p
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